Academic Catalog 2023-2024 
    Oct 06, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

Financial assistance comes from many sources, including federal, state, and institutional funds. Financial aid offered may include the following:

Grant Programs:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH)
  • Texas Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG)

Loan Programs:

  • Federal Direct Loan Programs
    • Subsidized Student Loan
    • Unsubsidized Student Loan
    • PLUS Loan for Parents
    • PLUS Loan for Graduate/Professional Students
  • Private Student Loan Programs
  • College Access Loan (CAL) Program (Texas residents only)

Student Employment Programs:

  • Institutional Student Employment
  • Federal Work-Study
  • Texas College Work-Study

Scholarship Programs:

  • Academic Scholarships
  • Departmental Scholarships
  • Endowed Scholarships
  • Performance Scholarships


An individual must be granted full admissions status into the university and, with limited exceptions, enrolled as a regular student in an eligible program in order to receive student financial aid funds. A regular student is one who is enrolled for the purpose of obtaining a degree or certificate offered by the university. Exceptions are 1) a student taking coursework necessary for enrollment in an eligible program, such as leveling coursework required for a Master’s degree or 2) a student enrolled in a teacher certification program required for elementary or secondary certification or recertification in the state where the student plans to teach. The student should contact the Office of Financial Aid for additional information on time constraints, enrollment requirements, and loan limits.

Eligibility for some financial aid programs is dependent upon full-time enrollment. The definition of full-time enrollment is dependent upon the campus of attendance. Enrollments are based on sixteen-week terms (fall and spring) at all campuses. Summer is considered a trailer to the academic year and aid eligibility may be limited. Contact the campus of attendance for specific definition of full-time enrollment for both undergraduate and graduate financial aid.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) is used to determine eligibility for federal, state, and institutional financial Aid. Students should include Wayland Baptist University’s school code (003663) on the FAFSA to ensure that it will be received and reviewed by the Office of Financial Aid.

Basic eligibility requirements for federal and state grants and loans:

  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen
  • Have a valid Social Security number (with the exception of students from the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau)
  • Be registered with Selective Service (for Texas state grant programs only), if you’re a male (you must register between the ages of 18 and 25)
  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a regular student in an eligible degree or certificate program
  • Be enrolled at least half-time (requirement for all federal, state, and institutional programs with the exception of the Federal Pell Grant)
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) during enrollment
  • Sign the certification statement on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®)

In order to receive student financial aid, a valid FAFSA must be received by Wayland no later than the published federal deadline of the award year aid is being sought, or the student’s last day of enrollment, whichever comes first. Some forms of federal aid have limited funding, and awards are based upon the availability of funds at the time a student’s financial aid file is completed. Therefore, students are encouraged to submit the FAFSA and all documents requested by the Office of Financial Aid as soon as possible.

A student who is in default on a federal or state guaranteed loan or owes a repayment to any federal or state aid program will not be eligible for federal, state, or institutional student aid funds. Contact the Office of Financial Aid at the campus of attendance for guidance in cases of default or overpayment.

University scholarship and grant eligibility is specific to the particular scholarship or grant program. In addition to specific requirements, eligibility is generally extended only to full-time students. Exception will be made for students in their last term at Wayland, who do not require full-time enrollment to meet completion requirements for their degree. Other exceptions (e.g., disability) will be considered on a case by case basis and requests should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid. Students must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 (or 1.85 for students who have completed fewer than 30 credit hours) at the end of each academic year to maintain eligibility for institutionally funded scholarships in future terms.

If student misconduct results in a disciplinary probation status, the student is not eligible to receive institutional scholarship for the term of the probation. Proration of current term assistance will be required. Students working under a student employment program may continue to work pending supervisor approval.

University Scholarships and Grants

Numerous scholarships and grants are available to Wayland students. Academic, endowed, performance, and departmental scholarships are available to students who meet the eligibility criteria, demonstrate financial need, and/or apply early and are based on campus of affiliation. Unless otherwise stated by the scholarship contracts and agreements, the minimum grade point average of 2.0 (or 1.85 for students who have completed fewer than 30 credit hours) must be maintained. Scholarships exist in most academic areas for students majoring in those areas. Awards are made on the basis of student eligibility, financial need, the availability of funding, and most are generally held to tuition unless otherwise designated.

No credit will be refunded to a student from a scholarship. If a student receiving scholarship aid withdraws during the term, a pro-rata formula shall be used as follows: participation scholarships shall be prorated according to the number of weeks of participation; any other type of scholarship shall be prorated according to the schedule of refunds as outlined in the university catalog. The balance of the scholarship shall be canceled or awarded to another student.

Scholarships and grants are funded by:

  1. Earnings on endowed investments restricted by donors.
  2. Designated gifts to the university.
  3. University budget allocation.

Academic Scholarships

Pioneer Scholarship (Plainview Campus Only)

As a means of encouraging and rewarding our country’s most productive students, Wayland proudly offers the Pioneer Scholarship to outstanding undergraduate students at the Plainview campus. This scholarship is based upon scores from the ACT or SAT college entrance examinations, high school GPA, or valedictorian/salutatorian designation and may be renewed if the student maintains the required cumulative grade point average (GPA) at Wayland. The Pioneer Scholarship is awarded to the extent of university budget allocations, and eligible students will receive consideration in the order of the date they are admitted to the University.

To qualify for the Pioneer Scholarship, students

  • Must have completed the ACT or SAT before they attend any college as a full-time undergraduate student (not including concurrent high school enrollment) with a minimum of 25 on the ACT or 1200 (Math + ERW) on the SAT; or
  • Must have final high school cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher; or
  • May present official verification of having been designated as valedictorian or salutatorian from an accredited high school (official verification required).

To maintain eligibility for the Pioneer Scholarship, students

  • Must enroll full-time in Fall and Spring terms on a continuous basis; and
  • Must maintain required cumulative GPA.
Scholarship Level Dean President Trustee
Tuition Scholarship Amount One-Third Two-Thirds Full
ACT 25-28 29-32 33-36
SAT (M+ERW) 1200-1320 1330-1440 1450-1600
Final High School Designation 3.25+ GPA Valedictorian or Salutatorian N/A
Required Cumulative GPA for Renewal 3.0 3.25 3.5

First-Time Freshmen - The scholarship is renewable for eight consecutive (16-week) terms (fall and spring only) and applied to undergraduate block tuition for face-to-face or online courses. Full-time status (12 credit hours) is required to receive the scholarship. For renewal, the student’s GPA is evaluated at the close of each spring and must meet the required cumulative for the level of Pioneer Scholarship awarded.

Transfer Students - Students transferring college credit to Wayland may receive the Pioneer Scholarship if they satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Completed the ACT or SAT before they attended any college as a full-time undergraduate student (not including concurrent high school enrollment) with a minimum of 25 on the ACT or 1200 (M+ERW) on the SAT.
  2. Maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.25 on all previous college work.

Transfer students lose one term of eligibility for each term attended at another college and enter on the Dean’s level. For renewal, the student’s GPA is evaluated at the close of each spring term and must meet the required cumulative for the level of Pioneer Scholarship awarded. All other restrictions and benefits previously mentioned also apply.

Re-Entering Students - Pioneer scholars who do not maintain continuous enrollment at Wayland may be reinstated to the Pioneer Scholarship program. However, the maximum award for re-entering scholars is the Dean’s level.

Valedictorian and Salutatorian - The Pioneer Scholarship is available at the President’s level to the valedictorian and salutatorian of an accredited high school if they do not otherwise qualify through ACT/SAT scores or GPA. Official verification of class rank and standing is required upon application to Wayland. For renewal, the student’s GPA is evaluated at the close of each spring term and must meet the required cumulative for the level of Pioneer Scholarship awarded. All other restrictions and benefits previously mentioned also apply.

Centennial Scholarship (Plainview Campus Only)

Birthed during Wayland’s 100th year celebration, the Centennial Scholarship serves as an additional means of encouraging and rewarding outstanding students at the Plainview campus. Available to First-Time Freshmen, this scholarship is based upon scores from the ACT or SAT college entrance examinations and may be renewed for up to eight terms if the student maintains the required cumulative grade point average (GPA) at Wayland. The Centennial Scholarship is awarded to the extent of University budget allocations, and eligible students will receive consideration in the order of the date they are admitted to the University.

To qualify for the Centennial Scholarship, students

  • Must have completed the ACT or SAT before they attend any college as a full-time undergraduate student (not including concurrent high school enrollment); and
  • Must have scored a minimum of 20 on the ACT or 1020 (Math + ERW) on the SAT.

To maintain eligibility for the Centennial Scholarship, students

  • Must enroll full-time in Fall and Spring terms on a continuous basis; and
  • Must maintain the required cumulative GPA.


ACT SAT (M+ERW) Tuition Scholarship Amount per year Required Cumulative GPA for Renewal
1 20-21 1020-1090 $1,500 3.0
2 22-23 1100-1150 $2,000 3.0
3 24 1160-1190 $2,500 3.0

The scholarship is renewable for eight consecutive (16-week) terms (fall and spring only) and applied to undergraduate block tuition for face-to-face or online courses. Full-time status (12 credit hours) is required to receive the scholarship. For renewal, the student’s GPA is evaluated at the close of each spring term and must meet the required cumulative for the level of Centennial Scholarship awarded.

Honors Program Scholarships (Plainview Campus Only)

Students admitted to the Honors Program on the Plainview campus are eligible for scholarship assistance. The Honors Council bases individual scholarship awards on information furnished by each candidate. These awards continue provided the student maintains the proper grade point average and makes steady progress in completing seminar, tutorial, and thesis hours. Honors students on scholarship receive half-tuition remission for each Honors seminar they complete and full-tuition remission for twelve hours of tutorial and thesis courses.

Blue & Gold Scholarship (Plainview Campus Transfer Students Only)

Blue & Gold General Scholarship

The scholarship is renewable for eight consecutive 16-week terms (fall and spring only) less each term attended at another college before entering Wayland and applied to undergraduate block tuition for face-to-face or online courses. Full-time status (12 credit hours) is required to receive the scholarship. For renewal, the student’s GPA is evaluated at the close of each spring term and must meet the required cumulative for the level of Blue & Gold General Scholarship awarded. The Blue & Gold General Scholarship is awarded to the extent of university budget allocations and eligible students will receive consideration in the order of the date on which they are admitted to the University.

To qualify for the Blue & Gold General Scholarship, students

  • Must be an undergraduate student;
  • Must have accrued at least 12 post-secondary transferable college or university hours prior to enrolling at Wayland’s Plainview campus; and
  • Must have a cumulative transfer GPA within the entry-level range (for post-secondary hours only; concurrent work is not considered).

To maintain eligibility of the Blue & Gold General Scholarship, students

  • Must be enrolled full-time in Fall and Spring terms on a continuous basis; and
  • Must maintain the required cumulative GPA.
Entry Level GPA
(based on transfer)
Tuition Scholarship Amount
Required Cumulative GPA for Renewal
2.75 - 3.24
3.25 - 3.74
3.75 - 4.0

Blue & Gold Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Scholarship

The scholarship is renewable for eight consecutive 16-week terms (fall and spring only) less each term attended at another college before entering Wayland and applied to undergraduate block tuition for face-to-face or online courses. Full-time status (12 credit hours) is required to receive the scholarship. For renewal, the student’s GPA is evaluated at the close of each spring term and must meet the required cumulative for the level of Blue & Gold PTK Scholarship awarded. The Blue & Gold PTK Scholarship is awarded to the extent of university budget allocations and eligible students will receive consideration in the order of the date on which they are admitted to the University.

To qualify for the Blue & Gold PTK Scholarship, students

  • Must be an undergraduate student;
  • Must have accrued at least 12 post-secondary transferable college or university hours prior to enrolling at Wayland’s Plainview campus; and
  • Must provide documentation of active PTK membership in the term prior to entering Wayland.

To maintain eligibility for the Blue & Gold PTK Scholarship, students

  • Must enroll full-time in Fall and Spring terms on a continuous basis; and
  • Must maintain required cumulative GPA.

Upon loss of eligibility due to GPA, students may request reconsideration after one year if their Wayland cumulative GPA meets required standards.

Tuition Scholarship Amount
Required Cumulative GPA for Renewal
Active Phi Theta Kappa membership

Blue & Gold Pioneer Scholarship

The scholarship is renewable for eight consecutive 16-week terms (fall and spring only) less each term attended at another college before entering Wayland and applied to undergraduate block tuition for face-to-face or online courses. Full-time status (12 credit hours) is required to receive the scholarship. For renewal, the student’s GPA is evaluated at the close of each spring term and must meet the required cumulative for the level of Blue & Gold Pioneer Scholarship awarded. The Blue & Gold Pioneer Scholarship is awarded to the extent of university budget allocations and eligible students will receive consideration in the order of the date on which they are admitted to the University.

To qualify for the Blue & Gold Pioneer Scholarship, students

  • Must have completed the ACT or SAT before they attend any college as a full-time undergraduate student (not including concurrent high school enrollment);
  • Must have scored a minimum of 25 on the ACT or 1200 (Math + ERW) on the SAT;
  • Must have accrued at least 12 post-secondary transferable college or university hours prior to enrolling at Wayland; and
  • Must have earned cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher on previous transferable post-secondary college work (concurrent work is not considered).

To maintain eligibility for the Blue & Gold Pioneer Scholarship, students

  • Must enroll full-time in Fall and Spring terms on a continuous basis; and
  • Must maintain required cumulative GPA.

Upon loss of eligibility due to GPA, students may request reconsideration after one year if their Wayland cumulative GPA meets required standards.

Entry Level GPA
SAT (M + ERW) Tuition Scholarship Amount
Required Cumulative GPA for Renewal

Loss of Scholarship Eligibility

Students become ineligible for the Pioneer, Centennial, or Blue & Gold Scholarships by dropping below GPA requirements or by running out of eligible terms. Students are notified by e-mail of the suspension of their scholarship after grades are posted for the spring term. After successful completion of the fall term scholarship suspension, students with qualifying cumulative GPA may request consideration for reinstatement of their original scholarship from the Office of Financial Aid. In addition to future terms, scholarships may be paid retroactively for fall term with approved reinstatement. Scholarships eligibility will not be extended beyond the maximum of eight terms for any reason.

Part-Time Provisions

Students who are not attending full-time (12 credit hours) will not be eligible for the Pioneer, Centennial, or Blue & Gold Scholarship in that term. Exception will be made for students in their last term at Wayland, who do not require full-time enrollment to meet completion requirements for their degree. Other exceptions (e.g., disability) will be considered on a case by case basis and requests should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid. Scholarships awarded based on tuition will be prorated according to actual tuition charges for that term.

Endowed and Memorial Scholarships

Endowed and memorial scholarships with a variety of eligibility requirements are available through the university and are primarily offered to Plainview campus students but offered through other campuses on a limited basis. Students must complete the WBU Scholarship Application (Plainview campus only) and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for full consideration of all scholarship opportunities. Awards are made on the basis of student eligibility, financial need, and the availability of funding according to earnings on endowed investments restricted by donors and designated gifts to the university.

All students who have been awarded an endowed or memorial scholarship(s) are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (or 1.85 for students who have completed fewer than 30 credit hours) and remain full-time unless scholarship criteria states otherwise. Exception will be made for students in their last term at Wayland, who do not require full-time enrollment to meet completion requirements for their degree. Other exceptions (e.g., disability) will be considered on a case by case basis and requests should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid. Endowed scholarships are generally renewed from year to year but are subject to availability of funding.

Combination of all scholarships will be held to tuition costs with the exception of contractual agreement (e.g. athletics) or where the awarding entity (department or donor) specifies that an endowed scholarship may exceed tuition. In the event an exception is made for an endowed to exceed tuition, the awarding entity must provide justification for their decision.

Ministerial Scholarships

Baptist General Convention of Texas Ministerial Financial Assistance Program

In recognition of the divine call felt by ministerial students, the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT) provides financial assistance to university students who are preparing for careers in ministry at a Texas Baptist university.

Each applicant for the Ministerial Financial Assistance Program of the Baptist General Convention of Texas is required to provide certification from his/her home church to show sincere commitment to career ministry. The first-year applicant must show evidence of a divine call to Christian ministry, must demonstrate a lifestyle of commitment to the principles of the Christian life, and must be an active member of a Baptist church. The amount of the scholarship is $50 per credit hour for qualifying freshmen and sophomores and $75 for qualifying junior and senior ministerial students. Qualifying graduate students in the MA program may be awarded $100 per credit hour and students in the M.Div. program may be awarded $150 per credit hour. This scholarship is available for the fall, spring, and summer terms. The Ministerial Financial Assistance Program will only pay for classes which are completed. If a student withdraws from or fails a class for which Ministerial Financial Assistance was paid, there will be a refund against the amount paid.

All Ministerial Financial Assistance Program recipients must meet the following requirements:

  1. Submit a completed application packet including all necessary documentation. Packets may be obtained from School of Christian Studies on the Plainview campus (1900 W. 7th, CMB #1276, Plainview, TX 79072). Packets must be processed in the school office in Plainview by April 15 of the academic year for which aid is desired
  2. Declare a major in the school of Christian Studies, or in worship studies; or declare a minor in biblical studies, Christian leadership, Christian ministry, family ministry, or theological studies;
  3. Be an active participant in a Baptist church in the first year of participation and an active participant in a local church affiliated with the BGCT in subsequent years.
  4. Renew the application each academic year.
  5. Pass the following courses:

MNST 3300 - Introduction to Ministry , taken at the first opportunity (minors take this course as an elective beyond the eighteen hours)
MNST 3301 - Spiritual Formation  or THST 3301 - Christian Spirituality  

* See Financial Aid for Graduate Students  for additional graduate level eligibility criteria.

Upon university notification that the applicant has met all admission standards and has furnished the required materials, the director of the Ministerial Financial Assistance Program, on behalf of the Christian Education Coordinating Board, shall notify the applicant of acceptance into the Ministerial Financial Assistance Program.

Baptist Minister’s Dependent Scholarship

Wayland provides a tuition scholarship for full-time ministers and the dependent spouse or the dependent single child of a full-time Baptist minister, missionary, denominational minister, or staff minister serving a Baptist congregation. Dependents of retired full-time Baptist ministers may also receive this scholarship upon the approval of the School of Christian Studies. Full-time status as defined at the campus of attendance is required to receive the scholarship. The award amount for students attending the Plainview campus is $500 per term. The award amount for students attending the external campuses is $190 per term. Scholarships are limited to the university budget allocation.

To establish eligibility, the student must complete an application and furnish a letter from an official of the minister’s church verifying the minister’s active service. This letter must be received in the School of Christian Studies on the Plainview campus at 1900 W. 7th, CMB #1276, Plainview, TX 79072, one month prior to the day of registration for that term for which aid is desired. This scholarship is available only for the fall and spring terms on the Plainview and external campuses. Non-enrollment in one of the approved terms does not translate to summer term eligibility. The scholarship is awarded for one year and the student must reapply each year to maintain award eligibility.

Minister and Dependent of Other Denominations Scholarship

Wayland provides a tuition scholarship for ministers and their dependents who belong to recognized Christian denominations other than Baptist. Full-time status as defined at the campus of attendance is required to receive the scholarship. The award amount for students attending the Plainview campus is $400 per term. The award amount for students attending the external campuses is $150 per term. Scholarships are limited to the university budget allocation.

To establish eligibility, the student must complete an application and furnish the School of Christian Studies on the Plainview campus at 1900 W. 7th, CMB #1276, Plainview, TX 79072, a letter from an official of the minister’s church verifying the minister’s active service. The deadline for receipt of the verification letter is one month prior to registration for the term for which aid is desired. This scholarship is available only for the fall and spring terms on the Plainview and external campuses. Non-enrollment in one of the approved terms does not translate to summer term eligibility. The scholarship is awarded for one year and the student must reapply each year to maintain award eligibility.

Christian Leadership Scholarships

Christian Leadership/Academic Scholarship

Wayland offers $200 per term for students attending the Plainview campus who are active members of a Baptist church and have excelled academically in high school. This is a four-year scholarship to be awarded to freshmen students for each of eight consecutive terms. To remain eligible a student must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA and enroll in a minimum course load of 12 credit hours. Notification to the School of Christian Studies on the Plainview campus is required for yearly renewal and non-enrollment forfeits future term eligibility. Scholarships are limited to the university budget allocation. Guidelines for consideration are:

  1. Academic Achievement as demonstrated by a high school GPA of at least a 3.0 (B Average), research projects, scholastic organization memberships, etc.
  2. Christian leadership as demonstrated by an exceptionally high degree of involvement in church activities. Leadership in Sunday School, worship, discipleship/witnessing programs, youth activities, choir/music ministries, or any other leadership activities may show such involvement.

All applications can be found at under School of Christian Studies.

Other Scholarships and Grants

Outside/Non-Wayland Scholarships

Unless otherwise stated by the donor or awarding entity, non-Wayland scholarships will be divided evenly between fall and spring terms and students will be held to University Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.

Athletic Scholarships

Athletic scholarships of varying amounts are offered by the head coach of each sport and are administered in accordance with a contract signed by the student-athlete and the coach. Unless otherwise stated in the contract, athletic scholarships are limited to tuition and require the student to maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA.

Law Enforcement and Corrections Scholarship

Wayland offers four scholarships to law enforcement and correction officers enrolled in any Wayland degree program, as well as spouses and dependents of active officers: Law Enforcement, Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Marshall. Eligible students must be fully admitted and provide proof of active employment. Scholarships may be applied to tuition, fees, books (charged through Wayland bookstore), or campus housing/meal plans (Plainview campus). Dependent children attending the Plainview campus are required to attend full-time to maintain scholarship eligibility. Scholarships are limited to the university budget allocation.

  Face-to-Face Courses WBUOnline Courses
Undergraduate Programs $92 per credit hour $125 per credit hour
Graduate Program $117 per credit hour $145 per credit hour
Dependent Children (Plainview Campus) $1,000 per term

Local Church Grant

A $250 first-term grant is provided for every qualified, full-time, freshman Plainview Campus student duly admitted from the membership of a church which budgets monthly or annual contributions to the university’s operational budget. This grant is provided in the name of the student’s home church. Scholarships are limited to the university budget allocation.

Residence Hall Grant

To recruit and assist students from regions beyond the local area, a $500 per term Residence Hall grant is awarded to eligible students from Hawaii, Alaska, Arizona, Kansas/Nebraska, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, San Antonio or Wichita Falls, Texas. To be eligible, the student must be recommended by the Wayland Campus Executive Director in the area or the Executive Director of the Baptist Convention of the state. For consideration, the recommendation must accompany the Application for Admission. A recipient of this grant must be a full-time student residing in a Wayland dormitory. Married student housing is not considered a dormitory. The award is for eight (8) consecutive terms of full-time enrollment. Students who attend a Baptist church are given priority in awarding of the grant. To retain the grant, students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Scholarships are limited to the university budget allocation.

Texas Rehabilitation Assistance

Tuition and fee assistance is offered by the Texas Rehabilitation Commission to students who have certain physical or emotional disabilities, provided that an appropriate representative of the Commission has approved the vocational objective selected by the person with disabilities. The assistance that is received by the student under Texas Rehab will be included as part of the student financial aid eligibility. Through this State agency, other rehabilitation services are available to assist persons with disabilities to become employable. Applications should be made at the nearest Rehabilitation Office. For information, contact: Commissioner, Texas Rehabilitation Commission, 4900 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78751.

Scholarships for Minority Students 

In addition to the financial aid listed previously, scholarship aid from the Baptist General Convention of Texas is available to minority students who qualify for the following programs:

  • Mary Hill Davis Ethnic/Minority Scholarship Program

For application information contact:

Baptist General Convention of Texas
Ethnic Missions Coordinator
333 North Washington
Dallas, TX 75246-1798
(214) 828-5349

Administration of Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid at the Plainview campus is the central point of coordination and notification for all student financial aid, including those scholarships and grants administered by the schools, offices, and organizations of Wayland Baptist University. The Executive Director of Financial Aid is responsible for ensuring that all financial aid offers comply with student eligibility limitations and with restrictions of donors and other funding entities and has oversight responsibility and authority for all scholarship and grant awards.

Apply for Financial Aid

All students are encouraged to apply for aid, regardless of whether they think they will qualify. Here is how to navigate the process:

  1. Apply for admission to Wayland Baptist University (WBU). Merit-based scholarships are offered through the WBU admissions process for Plainview campus students.
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) to be considered for federal, state, and institutional financial aid. The school code for WBU is 003663. You will need to provide information about your household, income and assets. The FAFSA opens October 1 each year for the following academic year.

We recommend submitting a FAFSA to WBU even if you have yet to apply or be admitted, however, we will not evaluate your financial aid eligibility for any given term until you have been admitted.

  1. Complete the WBU Scholarship Application (Plainview students only) to be considered for several hundred need-based institutional scholarship.
  2. Check your email regularly. The Office of Financial Aid will communicate with you by email regarding any additional information required and the availability of your Financial Aid Notification.
  3. Register for access to NetPartner (click on “First Time User”) to view requirements, financial aid eligibility, and accept/decline financial aid.

Financial Aid Eligibility

Eligibility for federal, state, and institutional aid requires the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). The Department of Education will select students for verification. If a student file is selected for verification, the student will be required to submit parent and/or student and/or spouse IRS Tax Return Transcript (, verification documents, and other pertinent documents deemed necessary to verify information submitted on the FAFSA®. Students are instructed individually about what information must be submitted, to a student’s WBU email address. Wayland Baptist University reserves the right to choose additional files for verification. Students are urged to respond promptly to requests for additional information.

A student’s estimated cost of attendance is used in determining financial aid eligibility. The estimated cost of attendance includes direct (tuition, fees, books, housing, and meals [if living on campus]) and indirect (transportation and miscellaneous expenses) costs.

Official notification of financial aid eligibility is emailed to students at their WBU address and is available for viewing and acceptance through NetPartner at Grants and scholarships are passively accepted on the student’s behalf, however, students must actively accept or decline student loan eligibility.

First-time Federal Direct Loan borrowers are required to complete a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Loan Entrance Counseling at All borrowers are required to complete the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement each academic year at

Study Abroad

Students wishing to study-abroad may qualify for financial assistance through Wayland Baptist University (home school) through a consortium agreement with another school (host school). Federal regulations state that a student participating in a study-abroad program must meet the following requirements to be eligible to receive federal student aid: 1) be an eligible student enrolled in an eligible degree-seeking program at the Home school; and 2) the eligible home school approves the program of study-abroad for academic credit. Students wishing to use federal grants and loans to assist with their financial obligations could qualify to use the aid for study abroad if the hours earned at the host school can be transferred back to the home school for degree requirements per consortium or contractual agreement between the two schools.

Students are required to have 30 earned college credit hours before submitting their request to study-abroad

The student’s cost of attendance will be adjusted to include the study-abroad costs once the consortium agreement has been approved. Submitting a consortium request does not guarantee approval of the consortium or financial disbursements. There is also no guarantee that the use of federal funding will cover the entire cost of study-abroad course work. Aid that is approved to disburse for study abroad will be disbursed on the consortium agreement between the home and host schools.

Student will not be permitted to use any Wayland institutional funded scholarships for study-abroad.

Financial Aid Disbursement

Disbursement of all student aid is scheduled to begin immediately following the census date of the term (each 8-week session at external campuses and WBUOnline). After verification of enrollment and confirmation of eligibility, aid is electronically released to the Business Office for posting to student accounts. Aid disbursements in excess of term/session charges are released to the student in the form of a refund by check or direct deposit within fourteen (14) business days of the creation of such credit, according to the time frame prescribed by the Department of Education. Federal, state, and institutional aid will not be disbursed to students conditionally admitted to the university.

Maximum Eligibility

The total of all institutionally funded tuition scholarships and grants may not exceed the cost of tuition, with the exception of those instances where a contractual agreement specifies an exception (e.g. athletics, honors), where the awarding entity (department or donor) specifies that an endowed scholarship shall exceed tuition. All externally funded tuition scholarships, will be applied before institutional scholarships. In no case may the total financial aid exceed a student’s estimated cost of attendance. Federal and state aid programs, maximum awards are set by program regulations.

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities

Federal guidelines require that all universities provide information to prospective students concerning the institution’s programs and performance. Each student should consider this information carefully. The student has the right to know:

  1. The financial aid programs available at Wayland.
  2. The deadline for submitting applications for each of the programs.
  3. How financial aid is distributed, how decisions on distributions are made, and the basis for these decisions.
  4. How financial aid eligibility was determined.
  5. Which resources (their current assets, parental contribution, other financial aid, etc.) were considered in the financial need calculation.
  6. How much of the financial need, as determined by the Department of Education, has been met.
  7. The details of the various programs in a student’s financial aid eligibility.
  8. Wayland’s refund policy if enrollment ceases before a term ends.
  9. What portion of the financial aid received must be repaid, and what portion is grant aid. If the aid is a loan, the student has the right to know the interest rate, origination fees, the total amount that must be repaid, and when the repayment is to begin.
  10. How Wayland determines Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and the financial aid penalties for unsatisfactory progress.

When accepting a financial aid, a student also accepts the responsibility to:

  1. Complete application and forms accurately and submit them on time to the proper places.
  2. Provide correct information. In most instances, reporting erroneous information on financial aid application forms is a violation of law, possibly a criminal offense, resulting in indictment under the U.S. Criminal Code.
  3. Return promptly additional documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by either the Office of Financial Aid or the agency to which the application was submitted.
  4. Read and understand all forms signed, and keep copies of the forms.
  5. Fulfill the terms of all agreements signed.
  6. Perform the work agreed upon when accepting student employment with the university.
  7. Understand and comply with deadlines for application and reapplication for aid.
  8. Understand Wayland refund procedures if enrollment ceases before a term ends.
  9. Report changes in name, address, and telephone numbers to the proper offices.
  10. The student is responsible for using their Wayland email address for all electronic communications with the Office of Financial Aid.

Wayland Baptist University provides student access to financial aid records for at least five (5) years after the student has departed from the institution or for whatever period is required by federal law or regulations by the rules of a respective state student loan guarantee corporation, whichever is longest.

Procedure for Monitoring Financial Aid

Financial Accounting for Scholarships

In accordance with generally accepted financial aid procedures, the Office of Financial Aid maintains financial aid records sufficient to describe the operation and status of scholarship, grant, and loan programs. Responsibility for the receipt and disbursement of funds and related accounting for all scholarships and grants rests with the Business Office. The Office of Financial Aid informs the Business office of awards, student names and school identification numbers, aid amounts, scholarship names, and account numbers.

Required Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward a degree or certificate to continue receiving financial assistance from federal, state, and institutional sources. Unless other, more stringent requirements are stated in specific aid program requirements, the following policy describes the SAP policy at Wayland. Progress is measured in two ways: qualitatively (cumulative GPA), and quantitatively (number of hours completed). Progress must be evident in both areas. In considering the criteria for satisfactory progress, it is necessary to define certain terms. “Attempted hours” is defined as those credit hours for which a student is enrolled on the official enrollment census date. “Complete” is defined as finishing a course with a grade of D or better. All hours will be reviewed whether or not financial aid was awarded.

Qualitative Progress

For purposes of receiving federal and/or state financial grant assistance, SAP is defined as a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 (or 1.85 for students who have completed fewer than 30 credit hours). Graduate students must maintain a 3.00 GPA. Students not achieving this level of performance will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for one long term. Students who do not meet the minimum requirements after the term of warning will be suspended from receiving further financial assistance. Students receiving Wayland funded scholarships (institutional and/or endowed) must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.00 (or 1.85 for students who have completed fewer than 30 credit hours). The only exceptions will be scholarships with contracts or agreements such as Pioneer or music where grade point averages may be higher.

Quantitative Progress

Students are required to successfully complete their degree programs within a maximum time frame not to exceed 150% of the published length of the program measured in credit hours attempted. This quantitative standard is an academic measure of a student’s progress toward the completion of an approved degree program and takes into account all periods of enrollment for the student, regardless of whether the student received aid. For example, the student seeking a degree requiring 124 credit hours may remain eligible until the requirements are completed, or until the student has attempted 186 credit hours, whichever occurs first.

Undergraduate students are required to complete 67% of attempted credit hours and graduate students must complete 75% of attempted credit hours. Repeating courses, taking courses not in a degree plan, and frequently dropping courses can increase the time required to complete a degree program. If the time required exceeds permissible guidelines, a student’s eligibility to receive financial aid funding through the completion of the degree is jeopardized. The student may remain eligible for financial aid assistance until the occurrence of the first of the following circumstances:

  1. The student completes the credit hours required for the degree.
  2. The student has attempted one-and-one-half times the number of credit hours required for the degree.

Students may receive funding for courses in which an Incomplete (I) or Withdrawn (W) designation is received only after cumulative grade point averages are considered. Students may receive funding for developmental courses (e.g. MATH 0325 MATH 0326 ENGL 0301 ENGL 0302 ) during their first year of enrollment under the above guidelines. Repeated enrollment in developmental courses will not be funded by financial aid.

Re-enrollment for a course in which a grade of A, B, C, or D has been earned is considered a repeated course. If the student repeats a course, the new grade will be used to calculate the cumulative GPA. A course attempted for a third or subsequent time, in which a passing grade was received, will not be funded by student financial aid, regardless of whether Title IV aid was received for the courses taken.

Monitoring of Academic Progress

Academic progress is evaluated once per year at the end of the spring term. Students not maintaining SAP are notified of their standing and the necessary action to retain or regain eligibility for financial aid. Future term aid will not be released until SAP review has been completed.

The following is a description of the types of SAP levels that a student may have:

  • Good: Student does not have any academic progress issues as it pertains to financial aid eligibility
  • Suspension: Student has an issue with qualitative progress and/or quantitative progress and has lost financial aid eligibility

In the case of a Financial Aid Suspension, the student’s aid will be cancelled until the student submits an appeal or otherwise regains eligibility. Based on the appeal approval status and any recommendations of the SAP Review Committee, the student will be given any requirements needed to complete in order to regain and maintain financial aid eligibility.

Students suspended from financial aid must complete at least one term of enrollment using their own resources and must meet the minimum standards, both qualitative and quantitative, before becoming eligible to receive aid.

Students placed on Financial Aid Suspension are not necessarily on academic suspension. There are different resolutions for each type of suspension.


Students sometimes experience circumstances beyond their control, which adversely affect academic progress. Students subject to Financial Aid Suspension may appeal to the Executive Director of Financial Aid in writing for a review of the decision. Each appeal will be reviewed and acted upon by the SAP Review Committee. To allow the committee adequate time to evaluate the circumstances, appeals must be made at least two weeks prior to the term for which aid is requested. Decisions on appeals submitted after the deadline may be delayed until the following term. The decision of the SAP Review Committee is final. A maximum of two suspension appeals will be allowed (includes undergraduate and graduate).

Circumstances that may justify an appeal include: death in the family, illness of the student, and other situations which create undue hardship for the student. Appeals should state actions that have been taken to ensure satisfactory performance in subsequent enrollments. The SAP Appeal Form and Academic Recovery Plan may be found at or at the student’s campus of attendance. Student must attach documentation of their circumstance(s) to the appeal when submitted for review. SAP Appeals without supporting documentation will not be considered.

Required Student Conduct

Students are expected to behave according to the high standard of intellectual, personal, and spiritual values upheld by the university. Specific expectations are detailed in the Student Handbook. If student misconduct results in a disciplinary probation status, the student is not eligible to receive institutional scholarship or grant assistance for the term of the probation. Proration of current term assistance will be required.

Enrollment Status Changes

When a student changes enrollment status by dropping courses before the census date of a given term (or 8-week session), the student’s financial aid for the term will be recalculated. Likewise, if a student receives a refund for any classes dropped after the census date, the student’s financial aid will be recalculated.

Return of Federal Aid

Federal financial aid funds are awarded with the expectation that the student will complete the entire period of enrollment for which the funds are disbursed. 

Though your aid may be available for posting to your account at the start of each term, you earn the funds as you complete the term. If you withdraw during the term, the amount of federal program assistance that you have earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula. If you received (or if WBU or your parent received on your behalf) less assistance than the amount that you earned, you may be able to receive those additional funds. If you received more assistance than you earned, the excess funds must be returned by the school and/or you.

The amount of assistance that you have earned is determined on a pro rata basis. For example, if you completed 30% of your payment period or period of enrollment, you earn 30% of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. Once you have completed more than 60% of the payment period or period of enrollment, you earn all the assistance that you were scheduled to receive for that period.  To calculate the amount of aid a student has earned, the Office of Financial Aid will divide the number of calendar days the student attended classes by the total number of calendar days in the term (scheduled breaks of 5 days or more will be deducted out of the equation). The resulting percentage is then multiplied by the total amount of federal funds that was disbursed for the term. The result of this calculation determines the amount of aid earned by the student. Any amount exceeding the earned calculation amount must be returned to the federal government by either the university or the student. The Office of Financial Aid will notify and instruct any students who owe money because the university has returned the appropriate amount to the government for the student.  Funds returned on your behalf may result in a balance on your account, which you are then responsible for paying in accordance with Wayland Baptist University’s refund policy.

If you did not receive all of the funds that you earned, you may be due a post-withdrawal disbursement. If your post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, your school must get your permission before it can disburse them. You may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so that you don’t incur additional debt. Your school may automatically use all or a portion of your post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and room and board charges (as contracted with the school). The school needs your permission to use the post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other school charges. If you do not give your permission (some schools ask for this when you enroll), you will be offered the funds. However, it may be in your best interest to allow the school to keep the funds to reduce your debt at the school

If you receive (or WBU or your parent receives on your behalf) excess federal program funds that must be returned to the federal government, Wayland Baptist University must return a portion of the excess equal to the lesser of:

1. your institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of your funds, or

2. the entire amount of excess funds.

Wayland Baptist University must return this amount even if excess funds were refunded to the student at the time of disbursement.

Any loan funds that you must return to the federal government, you (or your parent for a Direct PLUS Loan) repay in accordance with the terms of the promissory note. That is, you make scheduled payments to the holder of the loan over a period of time.

Any amount of unearned grant funds that you must return is called an overpayment. The maximum amount of a grant overpayment that you must repay is half of the grant funds you received or were scheduled to receive. You do not have to repay a grant overpayment if the original amount of the overpayment is $50 or less. You must make arrangements with Wayland Baptist University to return the unearned grant funds to avoid being reported to the Department of Education as an overpayment, which may result in your being ineligible for future federal funds.

Federal aid that must be returned to the federal government must be allocated in the following order:


1. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans
2. Federal Direct Subsidized Loans
3. Federal Direct PLUS Loans for Graduate/Professional Students
4. Federal Direct PLUS Loans for Parents
5. Federal Pell Grant
6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
7. Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH)
8. Iraq & Afghanistan Service Grants


  1. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans
  2. Federal Direct Subsidized Loans
  3. Federal Direct PLUS Loan for Parents
  4. Federal Direct PLUS Loans for Graduate/Professional Students
  5. Federal Pell Grants
  6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  7. Other Federal Programs
  8. Other state, private, or institutional assistance programs

It is a wise practice to consult the Office of Financial Aid and academic advisors before completely withdrawing from the university. This will provide an opportunity for you to understand the consequences of a complete withdrawal, receive valid estimates of potential monies owed, and become educated on the consequences a complete withdrawal may have on your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). A complete withdrawal can result in ineligibility for financial assistance from Wayland Baptist University in the future, due to your not completing a specified number of credit hours for which aid was disbursed.