Academic Catalog 2013-2014 
    Mar 29, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

LVN to BSN Completion Program

This program allows an LVN to complete a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in 5 terms instead of 7 terms. The student completes prerequisite coursework prior to beginning the program. The LVN will receive 22 hours of advanced placement credit for prior nursing education after validation of prior learning. This program will be a hybrid program with some of the course work online as well as live.

Eligibility Requirements

Please see the Generic BSN program  for a complete listing of eligibility requirements.

University General Education Requirements


  1. The B.S.N. specifies COMS 1301  or higher. Students pursuing teacher education should take COMS 2302 .
  2. ENGL 1301  and ENGL 1302  should be taken within first year of enrollment.
  3. PSYC 1301  is required for students pursuing the generic Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.
  4. Fine Arts requirements for the B.S.N. specifies ART 1301  or higher or MUSI 1303  or higher. The B.M. degree specify ART 1301  or studio course or THEA 1303 .
  5. Bachelor of Science in Nursing students must take BIOL 3410  to meet this requirement.
  6. Wayland Baptist University will not accept RLGN 1301 Old Testament History  or RLGN 1302 New Testament History , or their equivalents, from any institution except other Baptist institutions to meet the core requirement in any Wayland degree. If a student has taken RLGN 1301 Old Testament History  and/or RLGN 1302 New Testament History , or their equivalents, at any institution except other Baptist institutions, then the student has two options to meet the core requirement: (1) take RLGN 1301  and/or RLGN 1302  at Wayland or (2) take RLGN 4306 , RLGN 4316 , RLGN 4317 , or RLGN 4318  in lieu of RLGN 1301 ; and/or take RLGN 4306 , RLGN 4320 , RLGN 4322 , or RLGN 4324  in lieu of RLGN 1302 . RLGN 4306  may be an option for either RLGN 1301  or RLGN 1302  as stated above, but may not count for both on the same degree plan. No other RLGN/RLED courses may substitute for either RLGN 1301  or RLGN 1302 . The Dean of the School of Religion & Philosophy must approve any exception to this policy. RLGN 1301 Old Testament History  or RLGN 1302 New Testament History , or their equivalents, taken at non-Baptist institutions, may be transferred as elective credit with approval of the Dean of the School of Religion and Philosophy and the Registrar.
  7. B.S. degree requires EXSS 1112  and one activity course. Courses marked with an * in the course description section may be used to fulfi ll this requirement. Students who have served two or more years in the Armed Forces are exempt from EXSS requirements with DD-214 from basic training.


  1. Student may opt to test out of COSC 2311 ; see course description.