Mar 28, 2025
Academic Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Doctor of Management
The Doctor of Management is a 60-hour professional degree program designed to prepare graduates to apply research techniques and theories to create the most effective environment and practices for global business enterprises in the commercial, nonprofit, governmental, military or higher education sectors. As practitioners, consultants or faculty members, graduates will apply critical evaluation of the quality and applicability of published business research coupled with research operations and systems analysis to develop innovative approaches to issues in the areas of management, organizational behavior and human resource management.
Program Outcomes
- Graduates will be able to perform research and demonstrate expertise in the fields of management, organizational behavior and theory, and human resource management.
- Graduates will be able to perform analysis and research operations within the context of organizations functioning in a global economy.
- Graduates will be able to apply research techniques and theories to a wide variety of management problems.
Admission Procedures
Requirements for students with graduate GPA of 3.4 or greater: - Complete the online application and pay the application fee.
- Provide official transcript for all degrees, one of which must be a Master’s degree. (No action required from student if degrees were earned solely from WBU.)
- Submit current resume.
Requirements for students with graduate GPA of 3.0 to 3.39: - Complete the online application and pay the application fee.
- Provide official transcripts for all degrees, one of which must be a Master’s degree. (No action required from student if degrees were earned solely from WBU.)
- Submit current resume.
- Participate in a Personal Interview with the Admissions Committee.
Important Dates in Application Process
Time Period | Steps in the Process | Forms | September 1 | Deadline for application to the D.Mgt. program: Fall II Cohort start date. | -Application -Resume -Application Fee of $75.00 -Transcripts | September - October | Offers Extended | | October - Fall II VC Term | Classes start; Advisor Assigned | | February I | Deadline for application to the D.Mgt. program: Spring II Cohort start date. | -Application -Resume -Application Fee of $75.00 -Transcripts | February - March | Offers Extended | | March - Spring II VC Term | Classes start; Advisor Assigned | | Transfer Credit
Wayland considers for transfer collegiate-level work completed at an accredited institution of higher education recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). To be acceptable for transfer, the work must be of comparable level and content with the degree being sought at Wayland. For the transfer of work from foreign institutions, the original transcript and a copy translated into Standard English, certified by a translator approved by the university registrar, must be presented. An evaluation of the transcript may also be required. Transfer credit is assessed and students are informed of the amount of credit that will transfer prior to their enrollment whenever possible, but no later than the end of the first academic term in which they are enrolled. Degree candidates may satisfy a maximum of two-thirds of the degree with approved courses transferred from another institution (not valid for Bachelor’s to Doctor of Management program). To transfer credit from other institutions, a student must submit an official transcript of the courses to be considered and may be required to submit a catalog description of the course from the institution where the course was taken. In cases where an equivalency is not easily interpreted, the student may be required to submit a course syllabus that outlines the course competencies. To transfer credit, the student must have earned a grade of B or higher in the course. The academic school dean must approve transfer credit. Comprehensive Exams
The student’s learning in each area will be assessed by a Comprehensive Exam which will cover each area. The exam will be divided into three parts. The first part, MGMT 6021 , will be completed in Term 3; the second part, MGMT 6022 , will be completed in Term 7; and the last part, MGMT 6023 , will be completed in Term 9. Students will be required to answer questions that cover the coursework through the relevant terms for each part. Should the student fail to successfully pass the exam with a score of 80% or better, he or she will have to retake the exam. Subsequent exam parts cannot be attempted until the previous part has been successfully completed. A second failure to pass the exam will result in removal from the program. Research Project
Students will also take a course in the tenth term which will require the successful completion of an Applied Research Project. Failure to complete a project will require the student to retake that course. This project will ensure that the program outcomes are successfully met. The student’s project committee will evaluate the project. Program Curriculum
The D.Mgt. requires satisfactory completion of 57 credit hours of coursework and 3 credit hours of the research project. The following is the schedule of courses in the D.Mgt. program by term: First Session (6 credit hours)
Second Session (6 credit hours)
Third Session (6 credit hours)
Fourth Session (6 credit hours)
Fifth Session (6 credit hours)
Sixth Session (6 credit hours)
Seventh Session (6 credit hours)
Eighth Session (6 credit hours)
Ninth Session (6 credit hours)
Tenth Session (6 credit hours)