Academic Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 05, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Ugrad Cert-Digital Marketing plan

Digital Marketing, Undergraduate Certificate

The Undergraduate Certificate in Digital Marketing is designed to transform students into digital marketing practitioners. The certificate utilizes application-based simulations in real world situations so that students can immediately apply their learned skills for a company or organization in cyberspace. This is one of the few Christ-centered certificates that is a straightway for today’s job market where students learn to improve search engine optimization (SEO) and use data to leverage the company’s various digital activities i.e. social media, website, email, reputation, etc. This certificate will prepare students with skills such as marketing acumen, adaptability and flexibility, data analytics, critical thinking, technology savviness, mobile technology, creativity, and complex decision-making.

*Courses must be completed at WBU.

**Prerequisites must be met for courses that require them unless waived by consent of the School of Business.