Academic Catalog 2016-2017 
    Mar 31, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures

The General Information section includes student enrollment in courses, definition of full-time and degree seeking students, and academic probation and suspension status.
Course and Grade Information includes the course numbering system, syllabi, and types of courses; grade point average and grading systems; and the student grade appeal process.
Classroom Information section includes attendance, classroom disruption, and academic honesty policies.
Dr. Elane K. Seebo, Vice President of External Campuses and Graduate Services
Amanda Stanton, Director of Graduate Services

Programs Offered

The University offers degree programs that lead to the Doctor of Manageent,  Master of Arts in Counseling, Master of Arts in Criminal Justice, Master of Arts in English, the Master of Arts in History, the Master of Arts in Management, Master of Arts in Religion, the Master of Business Administration, the Master of Christian Ministry, the Master of Divinity, the Master of Education, the Master of Public Administration, the Master of Science in Multidisciplinary Science, and the Master of Science in Nursing. Graduate programs operate within the framework of the University’s mission of integrating faith and learning. Each graduate degree program stresses the development of professional competence as well as the initiative, resourcefulness, and responsibility required of those who desire to become intellectual and professional leaders. Additional information and an application for admission is available at

Graduate Study

Essential to quality graduate study is careful selectivity in the admission of students. Selective entrance requirements help maintain the high standards which characterize graduate study and benefits the student who needs to determine the advisability of undertaking graduate work.

Since the programs, policies, statements, fees, and/or courses contained herein are subject to continuous review and evaluation, the University reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. This publication is, therefore, not intended to produce a contract between the student and the University, but rather it is intended merely to supply to the student information available at the time of printing.

Graduate Faculty

All graduate courses are taught by graduate or adjunct graduate faculty. Graduate faculty members must meet qualification requirements as established by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. The Graduate Council approves appointments to the graduate faculty annually.


The vice president of external campuses and graduate services administers the graduate studies program and chairs the Graduate Council. The Graduate Council is responsible for all policies and procedures related to the graduate program. The Graduate Council implements policies, determines admissions standards, hears student appeals and sets the graduate curricula.

Responsibilities of the Student

The graduate student accepts full responsibility for knowing and fulfilling all the general and specific regulations and requirements for admission to graduate standing and for completing the chosen program of study. For that reason, it is imperative that the incoming student be familiar with all graduate regulations contained in this catalog, thus enabling the student to complete requirements on schedule and in the manner required. The University and the Graduate Admissions Committee reserve the right to refuse admission or continuation to any student whose admission or continued enrollment is deemed to be undesirable.

Notification of Rights Under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are as follows:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the university receives a request for access.

    Students should submit to the registrar, dean of students, external campus executive director/dean, school dean, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The university official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the university official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading.

    Students may ask the university to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the university official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the university decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the university will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

    One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the university has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Wayland Baptist University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20202-5920.

Graduate Policies and Procedures

Graduation Under a Particular Catalog

Graduate degree requirements are governed by the catalog in effect at the time of a student’s first enrollment in graduate courses (when the student establishes a transcript) or by any subsequent catalog, whichever the student chooses, within a period of seven consecutive years. For degrees other than the Master of Divinity, the seven-year requirement also applies to transfer work. No course work which satisfies degree requirements may be more than seven years old at the time of graduation. Courses applied to the Master of Divinity degree, whether transferred into the program or taken at Wayland Baptist University, will not be limited by the seven-year time limit applied to other degree programs.

Degree requirements must be from one catalog. Unless the student formally requests to change catalogs, the catalog of record will be defined as the catalog in force when the student first enrolled in graduate course work. Requests to change catalogs should be made in writing and submitted to the Graduate Studies Office or the external campus executive director/dean, who forwards it to the Graduate Studies Office. In all cases, all Wayland courses taken for graduate credit and to be counted toward the degree must have been completed within the stated time limit.

Continuation in the Graduate Program

An applicant admitted to the Graduate School must enroll within one calendar year of admission. Thereafter, the applicant must reapply for admission. If one calendar year lapses between enrollments, the student will be classified inactive and must reapply for admission. In both cases, the applicant is not required to pay a second application fee.

To continue enrollment beyond the first term of attendance, the student must be admitted as a degree-seeking or non-degree student prior to the beginning of the next regular academic term of 10 weeks or more. Students who have incomplete files in the Graduate Studies Office due to lack of transcripts, or other required documentation will be placed on hold and will not be allowed to register for additional course work until requirements are satisfied.

Graduate Degree Plan and Advisement

Academic advisement will be provided for the student by the dean of the school for which the student is enrolled, by a faculty member assigned to counsel graduate students, by assigned counselors at the external campuses or by the Graduate Studies Office. Advisors aid in selecting appropriate course sequences, in registration, in the adjustment to being a graduate student and in dealing with any academic problem that may arise. Students should make appointments to consult with an advisor prior to registration each term.

Once a student has been accepted into the program, the student will receive a letter which informs them of the leveling work that needs to be completed. A copy of the degree plan will be kept in the student’s official file in the Graduate Studies Office. There is no guarantee that courses taken prior to the filing of an approved degree plan will be applicable to the degree program.

Although the University seeks to provide continuing advisement, the ultimate responsibility of knowing and fulfilling degree requirements, listed in the catalog rests with the student.

Change of Address

Any change of a student’s address must be reported immediately to the Office of Graduate Studies.

Change of Degree Program or Specialization

A student may change degree program or specialization by requesting the change in writing to the graduate advisor, who forwards the request to the Graduate Studies Office. The student must meet all admissions and degree requirements which apply to the selected degree program or specialization.

Residence Requirements

Candidates for all master level degrees must complete a minimum of 24 graduate hours at Wayland Baptist University. Students seeking the Doctor of Management must complete 48 hours at Wayland Baptist University.

Requirements for the Master’s Degree

General university requirements for the master’s degree include:

  1. A minimum of 36 semester hours of approved graduate credit. See degree requirement for specific programs as they may require more.
  2. For degree programs other than the Master of Divinity degree, a minimum of 24 graduate semester hours at Wayland Baptist University. For the Master of Divinity degree, students must complete at least one-half of the graduate courses for the degree through Wayland Baptist University.
  3. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (2.0 for Master of Divinity) on a 4.0 scale computed on all graduate work taken at Wayland. For degrees other than the Master of Divinity, no grade of less than C and no more than six (6) semester hours with the letter grade of C earned at Wayland will be accepted as credit for any master’s degree. No course with the grade of less than B (C for Master of Divinity) will be accepted as graduate transfer credit.
  4. For degrees other than the Master of Divinity, successful completion of a comprehensive examination and/or integrative capstone course, depending on the degree program.

Requirements for the Doctor of Management Degree

Requirements for the Doctor of Management degree include:

  1. A minimum of 60 semester hours of approved graduate credit.
  2. At least 48 hours must be from Wayland Baptist University.
  3. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale computed on all graduate work taken at Wayland. 
  4. Successful completion of capstone comprehensive examination and project.

Second Master’s Degree

Students may pursue two master’s degrees concurrently if the student is admitted to both degree programs and separate degree plans are prepared and approved for each program. Each degree program must include 24 semester hours taken specifically for that degree program and that are distinct from those earned in any other degree program.

Students who wish to pursue a second master’s degree after having completed one master’s degree must file a new application to the graduate program. A maximum of 12 hours of duplicated courses may be used to fulfill degree requirements in both degree programs if the coursework applies to both degrees. The exception to this is the Master of Christian Ministry degree and the Master of Divinity degree where more than 12 hours can be transferred. Each degree program must contain a minimum of 24 semester hours taken specifically for that degree program and that are distinct from those earned in any other degree program.

Graduation applications and fees will be required for each degree awarded. Refer to the Graduation Requirements section for complete graduation requirements.

In certain areas it is possible to earn two degrees in the same field. For example, a student may earn two M.Ed. degrees if the requirements are different, such as the Professional Studies track and the Educational Administration track. Students should contact the appropriate academic school or the Graduate Studies Office for additional information and for final determinations concerning multiple degrees in the same field. A maximum of 12 hours of duplicated courses may be allowed to fulfill degree requirements for two master’s degrees. At least 24 semester hours must be taken specifically for the new degree program. Refer to the Graduation Requirements section for complete graduation requirements.

College Teaching Credentials

Students seeking a master’s degree for the purpose of college teaching are advised that regional accreditation agencies typically require college teachers to hold a minimum of a master’s degree and 18 graduate hours in the specific teaching discipline. Institutional requirements may vary.

Internship or Practicum

A student may be required to enroll in an internship or practicum unless acceptable documentation indicates that professional work experience fulfills those competencies established for the internship or practicum. The determination of the appropriateness of substituted work experience rests with the student’s graduate advisor, the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled, and the vice president of external campuses and graduate services. Although appropriate work experience may satisfy the internship/practicum requirement, it will not count toward the total semester hours required for a master’s degree. A student with appropriate work experience should choose, with approval of the advisor, an appropriate elective course that will strengthen the degree plan. Credit for practicum will be on a pass-fail basis.


Although not all graduate programs offered by the university require a thesis, each program involves the student in the use of appropriate research tools and the evaluation of research findings. In addition, graduate faculty are well trained in research techniques and will guide students in developing research skills and respect for research as a means of seeking truth.

Maximum Course Load

A graduate student may not enroll for more than 12 graduate semester hours in a regular term of 15 weeks or more (or 3 hours in the summer term on the Plainview campus) without the approval of the vice president of external campuses and graduate services. A graduate student may not enroll for more than 9 graduate semester hours in a regular term at the external campuses without the approval of the vice president of external campuses and graduate services.

A student enrolled in nine semester hours in Plainview or six semester hours at Wayland’s external campuses is considered full-time. A student concurrently enrolled in three semester hours in Plainview and three semester hours at an external campus is considered half-time. A student enrolled for three semester hours in a five or six-week term at an external campus is considered full-time. For VA purposes three hours is considered 3/4 time at external campuses. An external campus student enrolled concurrently in three semester hours in a five or six-week term and three semester hours in an 11-week term is considered full-time for the six weeks in which he or she is attending class three times per week, and is considered three-quarter time for the remaining six weeks in which the student is attending class once per week.

Leveling Courses

Every master’s degree program is based on the assumption that the participating student possesses a general college education through the baccalaureate level. Accordingly, the first prerequisite for the entering student is a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution (or, for international and special students, proof of equivalent training). In some instances, the Graduate Admissions Committee may require a student to strengthen undergraduate knowledge and abilities or meet specific program prerequisites by transcript evidence, course enrollment, or examination. Such requirements must be completed before the student enrolls in the course for which the requirements are prerequisite.

If a student without adequate preparation wishes to enter a particular graduate program, leveling courses as prescribed by the Graduate Admissions Committee will be imposed as a degree requirement. These courses will be in addition to the 36 hours (or more) required for the master’s degree itself. Leveling courses are not used in calculating graduate GPA. A student must earn a grade no lower than C in any required leveling work unless a higher level is otherwise designated by the academic school. Leveling work completed by a non-degree student must have a grade no lower than C to satisfy graduate degree requirements.

In accordance with University undergraduate policy (see Credit by Examination in the undergraduate section of this catalog) a student may satisfy leveling requirements by examination. Examination scores, from sources such as CLEP or DANTES, used to meet any leveling requirement will not be posted to the graduate level transcript. A graduate course cannot serve as both a leveling requirement and a graduate elective.

Leveling is a firm requirement of the graduate program. Wayland will not accept graduate transfer credit from other institutions unless leveling or prerequisite coursework has been satisfactorily completed.

A student enrolled in undergraduate leveling coursework is eligible for fifth-year undergraduate student loan limits provided the student has not met their undergraduate aggregate loan limit. For leveling course enrollment, three (3) hours is less than half time, six (6) hours is half time, and nine (9) hours is full time.

Transfer Credit

For most degrees, degree candidates may satisfy a maximum of 12 graduate semester hours with approved courses transferred from another accredited institution. Exceptions to this policy are outlined in the specific degree areas. To transfer credit from other institutions, a student must submit an official transcript of the courses to be considered and may be required to submit a catalog description of the course from the institution where the course was taken. To transfer credit, the student must have earned a grade of B (C for Master of Divinity) or higher for the course.

Any course accepted by transfer will carry credit but not grade-point value. Moreover, to transfer credit, the student must have earned a grade of B (C for Master of Divinity) or higher for the course. Transfer work must be received and evaluated for credit at least 30 days prior to the student’s designated date of graduation. Except for the Master of Divinity degree, transfer credit used to satisfy degree requirements must not be more than seven years old at the time of graduation and must not have been used to satisfy undergraduate degree requirements. Courses applied to the Master of Divinity degree, whether transferred into the program or taken at Wayland Baptist University, will not be limited by the seven-year time limit applied to other degree programs.

Correspondence courses are not accepted for graduate credit.

With proper documentation, up to 12 hours of graduate business course credit may be awarded toward the M.A.M., M.B.A., or M.P.A. degree requirements based upon successful completion and official documentation of Intermediate and/or senior educational levels of the military services. 

Portfolio Experience

The university does not award graduate credit for portfolio-based experiential learning. Graduate field experiences that are included as a part of the official degree program must be completed under the direction of university faculty in the student’s field of study.

Advanced Standing Examinations

Advanced standing examinations will not be accepted for graduate credit in degrees other than the Master of Divinity degree. Applicants to the Master of Divinity program who have a bachelor’s degree in religion, religious education or other fields within Christian ministry may request evaluation of transcripts for advanced standing in the Master of Divinity degree. Advanced standing for the Master of Divinity degree is defined as a waiver to take advanced coursework in lieu of introductory coursework. The School of Religion and Philosophy will make the determination relative to advanced standing through evaluation of undergraduate coursework.

Petition for Course Substitution 

Under certain circumstances, substitutions for required courses may be necessary and appropriate. The student must have approval from the graduate advisor prior to initiating a course substitution. The substitution must be approved by the external campus executive director/dean (if appropriate), the dean of the appropriate school, and the vice president of external campuses and graduate services. Substitutions for core courses are not allowed. Under certain circumstances, up to six hours of substitutions may be allowed in the M.Ed. core. The dean of the Don Williams School of Education may recommend substitutions for required courses for teacher certification, if allowable under state certification policies. An electronic form is available from the dean of the respective school, the external campus executive director/dean or the vice president of external campuses and graduate services.

Active Duty and Reservist Temporary Duty Assignments

Students  who are active duty service members or reservists who are temporarily reassigned during a current enrollment period have the option of accepting a Military TDY refund, requesting an incomplete for all or part of the courses enrolled and following the incomplete grade policy, or continuing assigned work if enrolled in courses via WBUonline (virtual campus).  Service members are required to supply the campus executive director/dean at branch campus locations, or the university registrar for Plainview students,  a copy of the orders indicating need for accommodation or withdrawal.  If the service member decides to withdraw from the university, he/she will not be required to reapply for admission unless the absence exceeds one calendar year.

Minimum Academic Standards for Students Receiving Veterans Administration (VA) Educational Benefits

A student receiving VA educational benefits is subject to the same provisions for academic probation and suspension described in the academic probation and suspension section . A student who receives an F or fails to achieve a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the end of the probationary period shall be reported to the VA as making unsatisfactory progress and may become ineligible to receive further VA benefits until the cumulative GPA is 3.0 or better.