Academic Catalog 2016-2017 
    Oct 06, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Degree Information

Academic Advisement

Plainview Campus

The academic advisement program on the Plainview campus is designed to provide students with the assistance needed to plan a complete course of study appropriate to individual needs, interests and abilities. Prior to initial registration, the Office of the University Registrar will assign all students, according to their major, to the respective school. Each school dean assigns students to the faculty members in their academic school and reports back to the Office of the University Registrar. The assigned advisor is indicated on students’ registration packets and advisor assignments are posted in the academic school offices.
Students who are undecided about their majors are evenly distributed among faculty who assist in guiding the student until a major field of study is chosen. The Office of the University Registrar will provide advisor lists to each academic school before registration each semester. It is the students’ responsibility to make appointments with their advisor prior to each registration period. A registration form signed by the advisor is required for registration. To change the assigned undergraduate advisor, the student must petition the school dean. If the dean agrees to a change, the student, the Office of the University Registrar and the faculty members involved will be notified. Students will be provided an unofficial copy of their degree plans prior to the end of their first semester of enrollment. Students with an undecided major will receive a printout of the general education requirements common to all baccalaureate degrees. 

External Campuses

Students who desire to enroll at the external campuses will be provided counseling by trained academic advisors. The advisors will counsel the student regarding courses to be taken to complete their desired degree goals. Prior to registration and enrollment in a new term, an academic advisor will counsel the student regarding the schedule for the new term. Students will be provided a degree plan within six weeks of issuing of the Permit to Enter. Questions that students have regarding their degree plan will be referred to academic advisors on the student’s primary campus.
The university seeks to provide continuing academic advisement; however the ultimate responsibility of knowing and fulfilling degree requirements listed in the catalog rests with the student.

Degree Plans

Prior to declaring a major field of study, students should register for only those courses included in the university general education core. This will ensure that all courses completed will satisfy degree requirements. After declaring the degree, major, and minor being pursued, students will be provided with a degree plan by the registrar’s office through their advisor. The original copy of this plan is filed in the university registrar’s office. All students who have 60 or more hours must have an official degree plan on file in the University Registrar’s office. The degree plan will list those courses required to satisfy the university and degree specific general education core, major, and minor requirements. Students changing their major or minor fields of study after having official degree plans completed must have their file amended with the University Registrar’s office. There will be a $10 fee for each amended degree plan. Most programs of study specify the academic degree which will be sought. Students pursuing teacher certification must have their degree plan audited by the teacher education coordinator to ensure that the plan also meets the respective state certification requirements.

Petition for a Course Substitution

Under certain circumstances, substitutions for required courses may be necessary and appropriate. Substitutions in the university or degree specific general education core must be recommended by the Academic Council. The student must submit a letter to the Academic Council requesting a course substitution. The letter should be submitted to the executive vice president/provost. Substitutions for courses required for academic majors and minors must be recommended by the appropriate dean. Substitutions for required courses for teacher certification may be recommended, if allowable under state certification policies, by the Don Williams School of Education dean. Final approval for course substitutions rests with the executive vice president/provost. The form to petition for course substitutions is available from the dean of the respective school, external campus executive director/dean, or the Office of the University Registrar. An electronic form is also available from the dean of the respective school or the external campus executive director/dean.

Definition of Program Concentrations

The university offers a number of program concentrations, see Academic Program Profile. In addition to the university or degree specific general education core, each degree offered by the university includes a major and a minor field of study, or composite major, and free electives, when needed, to complete degree requirements. Degree designations are based on those disciplines included as major fields of study. Concentrations offered and a brief description of each follow:

The Major

A concentration of at least 30 semester hours in a single discipline constitutes the major. The major must contain a minimum of 15 semester hours of upper-level credit. The university offers a major in 67 disciplines. A $10 fee will be assessed for each change of major after the initial request for degree plan. A minimum of 15 semester hours in the major must be completed at Wayland.

The Minor

A concentration of at least 18 semester hours in a single discipline constitutes the minor. The minor must contain a minimum of six semester hours of upper-level credit. The university offers a minor in 28 disciplines. A minimum of 6 semester hours in the minor must be completed at Wayland.

The Composite Major

A concentration of 36 to 51 semester hours in a combination of disciplines constitutes the composite major. Upper-level requirements for the composite major are included in that section of the catalog which addresses the specific composite major. Composite majors are offered in interdisciplinary studies for those preparing to become elementary school teachers. In addition, composite majors are offered in applied science, business administration, fitness management, human services, language arts, music, religion, social studies, and career and technology education.

The Specialization

A concentration of at least 18 semester hours in a single discipline constitutes the specialization. Specializations are included as a part of the following programs: the composite major in fitness management, the composite major in interdisciplinary studies, the major in business administration, the major in exercise and sport science, the major in religion, the major in religious education, and the 36 semester-hour composite major in the B.A.S. degree.

As a part of the B.A.S. degree, several specializations are available under each major.

As a part of the B.S.I.S. degree, a specialization is available in special education.

As a part of the B.B.A. degree, a specialization is available in accounting, business administration, economics and finance, health care administration, international management, management information systems, and management and marketing.

As a part of the major in English, a specialization is available in American Literature, British Literature, and professional writing.

As a part of the major in religion, a specialization is available in pastoral ministry, pre-christian counseling, youth ministry, chaplaincy ministry, bi-vocational, and general Christian studies.

As a part of the major in religious education, a specialization is available in general religious education, education ministry, pre-Christian counseling, and youth ministry.

As a part of the major fitness management, a specialization is available in personal training and strength, recreation leadership and sport ministry, sport management and sports medicine and rehabilitation.

A $10 fee will be charged for each change of specialization after the initial request for degree plan.

The Concentration

A concentration consists of 15 semester hours in a single discipline and is applicable to only to the Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.) degree. Concentrations are included as a part of the 60 semester-hour general studies major and are available from the following disciplines: following programs: art, business administration, communication studies, education, environmental science, environmental studies, exercise and sport science, graphic design, history, justice administration, media communication, political science, psychology, sociology, and theatre.

Earning a Double Major

An academic school may provide the opportunity for a student to earn a double major while working toward the first undergraduate degree. Students wishing to pursue a double major will be required to meet all academic school and university requirements for each of the majors. Students who graduate with a double major will have a notation to that effect placed on their transcript.

Earning a Subsequent Baccalaureate Degree

A student may earn more than one baccalaureate degree from the university. The degree designation for the subsequent degree may be the same as that for the initial degree as long as the major or program of study is significantly different than previously awarded and meets the eligibility criteria. The following programs* may not be a part of the first degree and the second degree:

Degree*  Majors*
BAS  Justice Administration, all specializations
BA English, all specializations and Middle School Language Arts (grades 4-8)
  History and History (grades 7-12)
  History and Social Studies Composite (grades 7-12)
  Justice Administration, all specializations
  Communication and Communication (grades 6-12)
  Theatre and Theatre (grades EC-12)
  Music, all specializations
  Religion, all specializations and Religious Education, all specializations
BBA All specializations
BFA Art Two-Dimensional Studio and Art Three-Dimensional Studio
BM Music, all specializations
BS  Fitness Management Composite, all specializations
  Exercise & Sport Science and Exercise & Sport Science (grades EC-12)
  Biological Sciences, Molecular Biology, and Life Science (grades 7-12)
  Environmental Science and Environmental Studies
  Mathematics and Mathematics (grades 7-12)
  Chemistry and Chemistry & Physical Science Education (grades 7-12)
BSIS Elementary Education, all specializations

*NOTE: this list is not exhaustive and subject to change based on eligibility requirements. Please contact the Office of the University Registrar for additional program questions.

To be eligible for a subsequent baccalaureate degree the student must:

  1. File an approved degree plan, which lists the requirements established for the subsequent degree.
  2. Meet all requirements, including university and degree specific general education requirements, established for the subsequent degree.
  3. Complete 30 semester hours beyond the minimum required for a previous degree(s). Of these 30 hours, 24 must be upper-level credits and 12 must be in the major. The major(s) must be significantly different from the previous major issued under the same degree.
  4. Meet all requirements as outlined in the graduation requirements of the catalog regarding grade point average, application process, and comprehensive major examination.

Two degrees may not be awarded concurrently. To be eligible for graduation honors, the student must have completed the required hours at Wayland and must meet the graduation honors requirements listed in the catalog in effect on the date the degree plan for the subsequent degree was approved.

Classification of Degree-Seeking Students

A degree-seeking undergraduate student is classified as a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior according to the number of semester hours of course work earned toward the degree. Students are classified as follows:

Classification Semester Credit Hours Earned
Freshman 0-29
Sophomore 30-59
Junior 60-89
Senior 90 and above

Graduation Requirements

Requirements to receive a baccalaureate degree from Wayland include:

  1. Completion of UNIV 1100 - Foundations of University Life  or UNIV 1101 - Foundations of University Life , or equivalent. See course description.
  2. A minimum of 124 semester hours for baccalaureate degrees. No more than four semester hours of music ensemble credits may be included in the 124 semester hours for degrees other than B.A.S. or B.C.M.
  3. A minimum of 31 semester hours completed in residence to earn a degree at Wayland with the exception of the B.M. and B.S.N. degrees which require a minimum of 35 hours and 34 hours respectively. For the A.A. at least 15 hours must be completed in residence. A minimum of 18 hours must be completed in residence for the A.A.S. degree. Less than 50% of the required courses applied toward a degree may be taken through distance learning which includes internet and ITV delivery methods, with the exception of the B.A.S. and B.B.A. on-line degrees.
  4. Except for the B.A.S., B.C.M., degrees, a minimum of 15 semester hours in the major and six semester hours in the minor must be completed at Wayland. 
  5. A minimum GPA of 2.0 (C) on a 4-point scale on all Wayland course work and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the major and minor fields of study. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 from all course work applied to the degree. 
  6. A minimum of 42 semester hours of upper-level credit (courses numbered 3000 and above) for the degrees B.A., B.B.A., B.F.A., B.M., B.S., B.S.I.S., and B.S.N. A minimum of 36 semester hours of upper-level credit for the B.A.S., B.C.M. degrees.
  7. Completion of the university’s general education core requirements. 
  8. A minimum of 30 semester hours in the major field of study, 15 of which must be upper-level courses. For those degrees which include a composite major, the number of semester hours and number of upper-level credits are indicated in that section of the catalog which describes the composite major. 
  9. A minimum of 18 semester hours in the minor of which six must be upper-level courses. For those degrees which include a broad field major, no minor is required.
  10. Completion of GRAD 0001 - Senior Seminar  . See course descriptions. (Students who are student teaching must take GRAD 0001  the term prior to student teaching.) 
  11. Completion of application for graduation for appropriate degree.
  12. A comprehensive examination in the major field.

Application for Graduation

Students intending to have a degree conferred at the next regular graduation period must enroll in GRAD 0001 - Senior Seminar , see course description, and must notify the university registrar and their advisor at the time of registration for the term prior to that graduation. Students on external campuses must notify the campus executive director/dean and advisor. Students who plan to participate in the Plainview campus graduation ceremony must submit the Application for Degree and pay the graduation fee no later than the date indicated in the university calendar (April/May graduation: February 15, August graduation: June 15, December graduation: September 15).

Degree candidates attending one of the university’s external campuses must file the Application for Graduation and pay a fee a minimum of 12 weeks prior to graduation. Graduation applications received after the deadline will be processed with applications for the next graduation. For a Plainview student to be eligible for graduation, all his/her transcripts supporting transfer credit from other institutions must have been received by the registrar and all incompletes must be removed by the application deadline. On external campuses, transfer and assessed credit is due and all incompletes must be removed six weeks prior to posting date.

All students are required to purchase a cap and gown. It is automatically calculated in the application fee. Application for graduation and the graduation fee are not transferable to a subsequent semester. If the student does not fulfill graduation requirements, a new application must be filed and a $50 reapplication fee paid. Financial obligations must be met in the Business Office two weeks prior to graduation. If paying after the deadline, payment must be made with guaranteed funds such as cash, money order, credit card, debit card, or cashier’s check in order to receive a transcript and diploma at time of graduation.

All requirements for degree must be completed prior to participation in a graduation ceremony.

Commencement Attendance

Candidates completing their work at Wayland Baptist University are required to attend commencement exercises. All degrees conferred will be posted to the student’s permanent record as of the official posting date. For external campus students, appeals to this policy should be made in writing to the executive director/campus dean. Plainview campus student appeals should be made in writing to the office of the registrar.


For external campus graduations, students who are within one term of finishing graduation requirements may, at the discretion of the executive director/campus dean “walk-only” (without having fulfilled degree requirements) at the respective external campus graduation. Students must request in writing to the executive director/campus dean by the deadline issued by the campus for consideration to “walk-only” in a ceremony. Students are allowed to participate in a graduation ceremony only once for each degree.

For Plainview campus graduations, students must contact the office of the registrar by the application for graduation deadline for consideration to “walk-only” in the respective Plainview graduation. Students are allowed to participate in a graduation ceremony only once for each degree.

Graduation with Honors

A student graduating with the baccalaureate degree who has been in residence for at least 60 GPA semester hours, has earned a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or greater on all work taken at Wayland, and who meets the required cumulative GPA on all courses applicable to the baccalaureate degree is eligible for graduation with Latin honors. Latin honor designations include the following:

Honor Designation Required Cumulative GPA
Cum Laude (with honors) 3.50 to 3.69
Magna Cum Laude (with high honors) 3.70 to 3.89
Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors) 3.90 or above

In addition to graduating with honors, a student who has participated in the Honors Program and completed all the requirements may graduate with special honors within an area of study.

Graduation honors may be awarded to students graduating with the baccalaureate degree if at least 60 semester hours of credit with letter grades (A, B, C, etc.) from all sources have been earned, and if they have achieved a GPA of 3.50 or greater on all work taken at Wayland, and who meets the required cumulative GPA on all courses applicable to the baccalaureate degree. Honor designations include the following:

Honor Designation Required Cumulative GPA
Certificate of Honor 3.50 to 3.98
Certificate of Distinction 3.99 to 4.0

Graduation Walk-only Students and Honors Designation

Students who have been approved by the executive director/campus dean or the office of the registrar to “walk-only” during a specific campus graduation ceremony will not be awarded honors for the ceremony due to the student’s degree requirements not being completed prior to the established degree posting date. Questions concerning walk-only status should be addressed to the office of the registrar for Plainview campus graduations or the executive director/dean for external campus graduations.