Academic Catalog 2018-2019 
    Sep 26, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Click here to view the Texas Common Course Numbering System.

Each course includes an academic discipline prefix followed by four numerals (Example: HIST 3305). The first numeral indicates the academic level of a course; Academic Achievement is indicated by a “0”; freshman-level courses by a “1”; sophomore-level courses by a “2”; junior/senior-level courses by a “3” or “4”; courses restricted to graduate students by a “5.”

After taking a higher level course, a student is not allowed to take the prerequisite of the course for credit. For example, if a student successfully completed MATH 1304 - College Algebra, the student would not be allowed to take ACAC 0325 - Pre-Algebra and ACAC0326 - Elementary Algebra or MATH1300 - Intermediate Algebra.

The second digit indicates the semester hour credit given for the course. The third and fourth digits represent the position of the course in the sequence of offerings by the discipline.

Example: HIST 3305

  HIST - History curriculum
  3 - Junior level course
  3 - Three semester hours credit
  05 - Fifth course in the sequence of history courses

Other indicators used in the numbering system include:

  1. Career and Technology courses are indicated by CTED prefix.
  2. Hyphenated numbers, which indicate that the first semester course is usually a prerequisite to the second (GERM 1301-1302).
  3. Directed Study Courses indicated by a section number of 99 (HIST 3305.99).
  4. Practicum Courses indicated by a 60-69 in the final two digits (EDUC 4361).
  5. Experimental/Special Courses indicated by a 79X in the final digits (ENGL 4379X).
  6. Honor Courses indicated by a 90-99 in the final two digits (MATH 4691).

Not every course is offered regularly. Students should consult the Schedule of Classes to ascertain which courses are actually offered during a given semester.

***CHIN, FREN, GERM, LATN, and SPAN 1301 and CHIN, FREN, GERM, LATN, and SPAN 1302 may be taught at external campuses as three-hour courses without additional emphasis given to the communicative aspect.**

** BIOL 1300, BIOL 2301, BIOL 4307,GEOL 1301, GEOL 1304, GEOL 3302, GEOL 3304, GEOL 3305, GEOL 3309, GEOL 4307, and ENVS 3301 may be taught at external campuses as three hour courses without labs and without fees.**

Course Numbering System

Number  Eligibility
0100-0300 Developmental or Ensemble course
1000-1400 Freshman course
2000-2400 Sophomore course
3000-3400 Junior course
4000-4600 Senior course
5000-6600 Graduate course

Please note, when searching courses by Code or Number, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results. For instance a Code search of ” 23* ” can be entered, returning all 2300 level courses.


Justice Administration

  • JUAD 3306 - Survey of Homeland Security

    3 hrs

    Historical and current trends in domestic and international terrorism; how the United States dealt with threats in the past; new challenges in the field.
  • JUAD 3307 - HIDTA Certification Capstone

    3 hrs

    An examination of the role, duties and responsibilities of a Drug/Narcotics Investigator and analysis of the problematic legal, investigative, and evidentiary aspects of narcotic and dangerous drug investigations. Prerequisite(s): Certified Peace Officer in the State of Arizona, and successful completion of four HIDTA Drug Investigator courses.
  • JUAD 3308 - Criminal Investigation

    3 hrs

    Practical applications of forensic techniques as they apply to modern law enforcement.
  • JUAD 3309 - Police Report Writing

    3 hrs

    Effective police report writing techniques, including crime, arrest and incident reports; examination of interview methods, note taking, report organization and documentation, crime scene diagrams, search warrant affidavits, and case preparation for prosecution; emphasis on essential principles of written and oral communication in law enforcement, including testifying in court.
  • JUAD 3310 - Criminology

    3 hrs

    Theories, causes, characteristics, types of crime, and social functions of crime in our society. Also see: SOCI 3310 
  • JUAD 3311 - Law Enforcement Supervision

    3 hrs

    An analysis of the duties and responsibilities of police administrators; problems peculiar to police administration as they relate to organization, personnel management, training, public relations, and the patrol function.
  • JUAD 3312 - Law and Society

    3 hrs

    Survey of the history and development of law from primitive times until the present; and ways in which society shapes laws and how law shapes society. Also see: SOCI 3312 
  • JUAD 3313 - Murder, an Analytical Study

    3 hrs

    Theories, causes, characteristics, and types of murder and murderers; the effect of murder on our society and the response of society; and case studies.
  • JUAD 3314 - Psychology and the Law

    3 hrs

    A study of the influence psychology has on the legal decision-making process and public policy; evaluation of traditional legal dilemmas, e.g., individual rights versus the common good. Also see: PSYC 3314 
  • JUAD 3315 - Preparation for Law School

    3 hrs

    Preparation for law school and the application process; introduction of typical law school instructional methods and learning strategies.
  • JUAD 3316 - Criminal Procedures

    3 hrs

    The judicial process, evidence collection, and documentation of facts relevant to crime investigations; emphasis on Fourth and Fifth Amendments; and a chronological order of court proceedings.
  • JUAD 3319 - American Legal System

    3 hrs

    A study of the American legal system including its history and development, the courts, participants, processes, the adversarial system, and criminal and civil law.
  • JUAD 3320 - Cultural Diversity

    3 hrs

    A comparative analysis of the diverse cultural groups in the United States and their changing sociological, economical and political status. Also see: SOCI 3320 
  • JUAD 3325 - Forensic Psychology

    3 hrs

    A study of the impact of psychological influences on the development of criminal behavior; criminal profiling to identify targets of investigation; utilization of profiling by the court and correctional systems. Also see: PSYC 3325 
  • JUAD 3328 - Careers in Justice Administration

    3 hrs

    Introduction to areas of specialization, educational and certification requirements, ethics, and other considerations for careers in criminal justice.
  • JUAD 4304 - Organized Crime

    3 hrs

    Survey of organized crime in America, areas of influence, remedial practices, and control.
  • JUAD 4307 - Deviance

    3 hrs

    Analysis of cultural norms and values; causes and results of departure from those norms. Also see: SOCI 4307 
  • JUAD 4309 - Juvenile Delinquency

    3 hrs

    Nature and extent of delinquency, competing explanatory methods and theories, evaluation and prevention, control and treatment programs. Also see: SOCI 4309 
  • JUAD 4313 - Alternative Dispute Resolution

    3 hrs

    Description and overview of methods of dispute resolution, including litigation, arbitration, negotiation, and mediation, in order to demonstrate their interrelationship and use in the American legal system.
  • JUAD 4316 - Topics in Justice Administration

    3 hrs

    Selected issues/topics in justice administration.
  • JUAD 4360 - Practicum

    3 hrs

    Supervised field experience in community agencies with an emphasis on integration of theory and practice.


  • LATN 1401 - Beginning Latin I

    4 hrs

    Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Additional emphasis given to practice and review. Note: * LATN 1301 and 1302 may be taught at external campuses as three-hour courses without additional emphasis given to the communicative aspect.
  • LATN 1402 - Beginning Latin II

    4 hrs

    Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Additional emphasis given to intensive practice and review. Note: * LATN 1301 and 1302 may be taught at external campuses as three-hour courses without additional emphasis given to the communicative aspect. Prerequisite(s): LATN 1401  
  • LATN 2301 - Intermediate Latin I

    3 hrs

    Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Prerequisite(s): LATN 1402 
  • LATN 2302 - Intermediate Latin II

    3 hrs

    Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Prerequisite(s): LATN 2301 
  • LATN 3301 - Latin Prose

    3 hrs

    Explores Cicero’s significant impact on Roman politics, culture, and history while continuing to strengthen students’ grasp of Latin vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. Prerequisite(s):  
  • LATN 3302 - Latin Poetry

    3 hrs

    Explores the major influence of Virgil on Western literature, culture, and history as well as strengthening the students’ grasp of Latin vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. Prerequisite(s):   or by consent of the instructor.


  • MGMT 1010 - ENACTUS

    0 hrs

    Development and implementation of projects to foster the principles of free enterprise while serving local businesses and the community.
  • MGMT 3304 - Principles of Management

    3 hrs

    Management functions for profit and nonprofit organizations (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) and managerial skills and roles in today’s environment.
  • MGMT 3310 - Managerial Communication

    3 hrs

    Effective communication skills (verbal/non-verbal, written) as they relate to managerial role (meetings, presentations, interviews) across all levels of the organization, with appropriate use of technology. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1301  and ENGL 1302 , or consent of school.
  • MGMT 3324 - Human Resource Management

    3 hrs

    Impact of external and internal environment upon the functions and activities of personnel/human resource managers;. Note: Credit will not be awarded for both MGMT 3324 and HLAD 3324 . Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3304 
  • MGMT 3330 - Small Business Management

    3 hrs

    Formation and establishment of successful small business in the American economy. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3304 
  • MGMT 3339 - Theory and Practice of Supervision

    3 hrs

    Methods of supervision with emphasis on skills and techniques used to facilitate optimum productivity in both profit and nonprofit organizations. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3304   Also see: HLAD 3339  
  • MGMT 4303 - Conflict Management and Negotiation

    3 hrs

    Theoretical foundation and practical methodology for managing conflict in organizations; emphasis on improving ability to select appropriate conflict management strategies; nature of conflict, conflict management design, and the core concepts of negotiation. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3304 
  • MGMT 4306 - Dynamics of Leadership

    3 hrs

    Leadership theories that provide real-world insight into effective organizational leadership practices. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3304 
  • MGMT 4313 - Structure and Process of Organization

    3 hrs

    Systems approach to organizations emphasizing organizational design, effectiveness, change, and development. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3304 
  • MGMT 4316 - Selected Topics in Management

    3 hrs

    Topic that is not currently a permanent part of the catalog. Prerequisite(s): Approval of the school.
  • MGMT 4317 - International Business Internship

    3 hrs

    Exposure to different business and cultural perspectives in a foreign domain through a travel abroad program. Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior standing and permission of the school dean.
  • MGMT 4320 - Organizational Behavior

    3 hrs

    Ethical dimensions of goals and values of organizations and managers with a perspective on understanding and working with people. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3304 
  • MGMT 4321 - Entrepreneurship

    3 hrs

    Self-assessment and venture management, identifying and evaluating new venture opportunities, marketing research applications; operational aspects; risk management, case studies, and field experiences. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3304  
  • MGMT 4326 - International Management

    3 hrs

    Principles of international business management. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3304 
  • MGMT 5305 - Organizational Theory

    3 hrs

    Organizations as complex systems impacted by environmental forces, and structure and design dimensions required for effectiveness. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300  (For the M.P.A. MGMT 3304  only).
  • MGMT 5306 - Leadership and Management Development

    3 hrs

    Current and historical leadership theories with emphasis on viewing the leadership function in the context of organizational behavior and design; assessment of organization change, performance, staffing, training and development, and diversity; measurement of results; ethical implications and social responsibility. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300  (For the M.P.A. MGMT 3304  only).
  • MGMT 5309 - Strategies of Human Resource Management

    3 hrs

    Comprehensive strategic human resource management; philosophy of human resource management; behavioral science perspectives; ethical and legal environmental influences of employee and labor relations, diversity issues, and globalization challenges; performance management including metrics; information system tools, rewards, training, career management, and organizational change; analysis and design of jobs. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300  (For the M.P.A. MGMT 3304  only).
  • MGMT 5313 - Diversity Management

    3 hrs

    Research literature and value of “managing” diversity with a Christian response to the issues within diversity management; diversity management implications for employee and labor relations, workforce planning and development; measurement of results. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300   or MGMT 3324  
  • MGMT 5316 - Selected Topics in Management

    3 hrs

    Topic not covered by other management offerings, or not covered in the same depth. Prerequisite(s): Approval of the school.
  • MGMT 5318 - Production and Operations Management

    3 hrs

    Operational problems in physical and human resources used in production of goods and services. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300  
  • MGMT 5320 - Research Methods

    3 hrs

    Tools, vocabulary, processes, and methods used in business, industry, and governmental research; measurement of results of internal and external research. Must be taken within the first three courses in the MPA. Note: Must be taken within first twelve (12) semester hours of graduate enrollment.
  • MGMT 5325 - Organizational Development and Change

    3 hrs

    A systems approach to analyzing and developing organization structure and function; organizational change; measurement of results; strategic and ethical implications of diversity and change management; impact on sustainability. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300 . (For the M.P.A. MGMT 3304  only)
  • MGMT 5326 - International Management

    3 hrs

    Role of the private business enterprise in the international economy and nature of foreign trade and direct foreign investment and their impact on income, employment, and economic growth. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300 
  • MGMT 5330 - Negotiations in Management

    3 hrs

    Negotiations as related to management theory and practice, the negotiation process and the dynamics of conflict.
  • MGMT 5339 - Stress Management

    3 hrs

    Stress reaction and its relationship to specific illnesses and diseases and effects on productivity with focus on intervention techniques. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300 
  • MGMT 5340 - Fundamentals of Project Management

    3 hrs

    Comprehensive study of the concepts, procedures, and fundamental process of project management. Role of a project manager in profit and non-for-profit organizations. Skill development for problem solving, project definition, and environmental considerations. Quantitative methods and solution development.
  • MGMT 5341 - Managing Complex Projects

    3 hrs

    Comprehensive study of the project management process and the complexities of project management from a systems perspective. Includes the systematic approach to project planning activities, controlling and closing project integration management, project scope management, project time management, project cost management, project quality management, project communication management, project risk management, and project human resources management. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 5340  
  • MGMT 5342 - Power & Politics in Organizations

    3 hrs

    Examines, enhances, and expands competencies in identifying, analyzing, and engaging in the use of power and politics within an organizational setting. An examination in the influence power and politics has on managerial decision-making and organizational conflict.
  • MGMT 5343 - Compensation, Benefits, and Performance

    3 hrs

    Administration of compensation and benefit system in public and private organizations; concepts, models, and practices; job analysis and design; performance evaluation and measurement of results; integration of training, development and planning with compensation policies. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300 
  • MGMT 5344 - Career Development and Management

    3 hrs

    Organizational needs and individual career needs. Development of systems for managing careers; organizational development through effective job analysis and design, performance management, rewards, training and development; measurement of results; implications of globalization and sustainability. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300 
  • MGMT 5345 - Employee Recruitment and Selection

    3 hrs

    Workforce planning, personnel forecasting, and the selection of qualified employees; measurement of results of staffing and performance management policies. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 5300 
  • MGMT 5350 - Strategic Management for the MAM/MAOL

    3 hrs

    Management decisions for creating or maintaining market position with emphasis on comprehensive organizational analysis, policy development, and critical management issues; strategic planning of resources and workforce in local, regional, and international environments; measurement of results, internal and external resource utilization. Note: The Major Field Examination is administered. Prerequisite(s): Completion of ALL M.A.M. or M.A.O.L. core courses. Course Fee: $37.00
  • MGMT 6121 - Capstone Comprehensive Exam

    1 hrs

    Successful completion of a comprehensive examination over the entire coursework in the Doctorate of Management.
  • MGMT 6220 - Applied Project

    2 hrs

    The completion of a well-defined, limited in scope research project from the problem definition through data analysis and interpretation of results. Course Fee: $37.00
  • MGMT 6301 - Theoretical Foundations of Management

    3 hrs

    Development of management theory and other seminal interdisciplinary research related to current management issues/problems. Course Fee: $37.00
  • MGMT 6302 - Project Design in Management

    3 hrs

    Develop skills in designing research in the management area, including the research process, problem definition and hypothesis development, an overview of qualitative, quantitative, mixed research methods, and ethical issues in human research.
  • MGMT 6303 - Organizational Behavior

    3 hrs

    Examination of human behavior within organizations utilizing research findings and contributions of behavioral science with respect to perspectives for organizational design, organizational culture, and other related topics. Preparation of a research proposal on an organizational behavior and development topic required.
  • MGMT 6304 - Comparative Analysis of Contemporary Managerial Approaches

    3 hrs

    In-depth examination of alternative management approaches giving consideration to compelling issues and determinates of meaningful differences.
  • MGMT 6305 - Current Management Research

    3 hrs

    Examination of current management research issues including strategy formation and implementation issues, such as corporate governance, social responsibility, organizational ties through business group affiliations, intrapreneurship, person/organization value congruence effects, virtual teams and organization, and other topics. Preparation of a research proposal on a management topic required.
  • MGMT 6306 - Theories of Leadership

    3 hrs

    Examination of the effect of leadership in the organization including organizational vision and mission, organizational effectiveness, leadership and followership characteristics and styles, and other organizational performance related topics.
  • MGMT 6307 - Quantitative Methods

    3 hrs

    Develop skills in the use of quantitative research design and methodology. Students will be exposed to several models of quantitative methods and designs.
  • MGMT 6308 - International Business

    3 hrs

    Examination of current issues in international business including research in the field of international business, resource allocation across international divisions, cultural context effects on international management, and other topics.
  • MGMT 6309 - Business Ethics

    3 hrs

    Examination of current issues in business ethics including stakeholders and agency theory, the link between ethical climates in an organization and organizational success, social responsibility and sustainability and business performance, case studies of ethical failures and successes by business, and other topics.
  • MGMT 6310 - Qualitative Methods

    3 hrs

    Develop skills in designing qualitative research, including choice of research method (focus group and case studies, observational studies, participant observer studies, content analysis and other techniques), nature of data collection and data analysis issues, data interpretation and reporting issues.
  • MGMT 6311 - Entrepreneurship

    3 hrs

    Examination of the identification of entrepreneurship opportunities, funding support and venture capitalists, infrastructures necessary for successful entrepreneurship, identifying characteristics of entrepreneurs, network effects on entrepreneurship, and other related topics.
  • MGMT 6312 - Human Resource Management and Strategy

    3 hrs

    Examination of classic and current models of human resource planning and management as a part of strategy planning and implementation. Preparation of a research proposal on a human resource management topic required.
  • MGMT 6313 - Group and Team Processes

    3 hrs

    Examination of interpersonal processes in organizations utilizing research from behavioral science and other areas with respect to how individuals interact with others to achieve personal and organizational goals.
  • MGMT 6314 - Management Education

    3 hrs

    A systematic survey of management education; examines best practice for the design, delivery and management of all modes of learning environments.
  • MGMT 6315 - Organizational Theory and Development

    3 hrs

    Examination of classical and current research issues including resource dependency, interorganizational systemic networks and other topics in organizational theory.
  • MGMT 6316 - Human Resource Development

    3 hrs

    Examination of human capital theories of human resource management including issues of organizational structure and its impact on human/organizational performance.
  • MGMT 6317 - Theories of Compensation and Benefits

    3 hrs

    Examination of current research into the link between compensation and benefits decisions and organizational performance and employee satisfaction and performance.
  • MGMT 6318 - Theories of Employee and Labor Relations

    3 hrs

    Examination of both classical and current research into relations between the organization and employees and/or unions and its effect on organizational performance.
  • MGMT 6319 - Theories of Training and Evaluation of Employees

    3 hrs

    Examination of classical and current research into employee training and evaluation.
  • MGMT 6320 - Research Methods

    3 hrs

    Develop skills in designing research in the management area, including the research process, problem definition and hypothesis development, an overview of qualitative, quantitative, mixed research methods, and ethical issues in human research.
  • MGMT 6321 - Strategic Management

    3 hrs

    The examination of current management research issues, including strategy formation and implementation issues, such as corporate governance, social responsibility, intrapreneurship, person/organization value congruence effects, and other topics. Preparation of a research proposal on a management topic required.
  • MGMT 6322 - Leadership and the Christian Worldview

    3 hrs

    A review of spirituality and its influence on leadership and decision making in the organization, as well as the impact of spirituality on value-driven management and leadership in the organization.

Management Information Systems

  • MISM 3300 - Business Process Management

    3 hrs

    Introduction to the concepts of Business Process Management. Students will acquire the ability to assess, model, improve and manage business processes. Prerequisite(s): MISM 3303 , MISM 3314  
  • MISM 3301 - Information Technology Hardware

    3 hrs

    Skills and knowledge used to maintain and repair personal computers. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 3303 - Information Systems Theory and Practice

    3 hrs

    Organizational systems, planning, and decision process, and how information is used for decision support in organizations. Quality and decision theory, information theory, and practice essential for providing viable information to an organization. Concepts of Information Systems for competitive advantage, data as a resource, Information Systems and Information Technology planning, re-engineering, project management and development of systems, and end-user computing. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 3304 - Information Technology Operating Systems

    3 hrs

    Installation and maintaining a client operating system installed on a personal computer. Operating systems include Windows Operating Systems and Linux. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 3306 - Introduction to Database Management

    3 hrs

    Introduction to data, data modeling, databases and database management systems, and focus mainly on relational database systems.  Creation of relational database applications using Microsoft Access to reinforce knowledge. Prerequisite(s): MISM 3303 , MISM 3314  
  • MISM 3307 - Web Design

    3 hrs

    Analyzing information and applying graphic design techniques to develop effective, pleasing and useful web sites. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 3314 - Advanced Computer Applications

    3 hrs

    Effective and efficient use of integrated software suites (word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation graphics) and creating and maintaining web pages. Information technologies applied to problem situations by the design and use of small information systems for individuals and groups. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 3318 - Electronic Commerce

    3 hrs

    Electronic commerce technologies; Internet technology for business advantage; funds transfer; reinventing the future of business through electronic commerce; business opportunities; social, political and ethical issues associated with electronic commerce; business plans for technology ventures. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 3325 - Social Computing in Business

    3 hrs

    Personal computing in an evolving mobile environment. Working with mobile computing,
    Cloud services, social networks, electronic communications, and safe personal and business computing.
  • MISM 3327 - Computer Networking

    3 hrs

    Broad, vendor-independent, networking concepts. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 3329 - Internet and Online Technologies

    3 hrs

    Maintenance of Internet, Intranet, and Extranet infrastructure and services, and development of Web related applications. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 3339 - Systems Analysis and Design

    3 hrs

    Introduction of established and evolving tools and methodologies for the analysis, design, and development of information systems. Emphasis on the critical role of the systems analyst as the liaison between the enterprise and the Information Systems function. Prerequisite(s): MISM 3303 , MISM 3314  
  • MISM 4302 - Wireless Information Technology

    3 hrs

    Broad survey of wireless communications; protocols, transmission methods and IEEE 802.11 standards. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 4306 - Information Systems Security

    3 hrs

    Designed to provide security knowledge mastery of an individual with two years on-the-job networking experience, with emphasis on security. Industry wide topics including communication security, infrastructure security, cryptography, access control, authentication, and operational security. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 4324 - Project Management

    3 hrs

    Based on best practices of project management. Universal project principles, and conflict resolution, negotiation, communication, team building, leadership and setting and managing expectations. Prerequisite(s): COSC 2311 
  • MISM 4331 - Webmastering

    3 hrs

    Skill-building in how to administer multimedia and video technology to instruct users, solve problems and communicate effectively Prerequisite(s): MISM 3307 
  • MISM 4335 - Ethical Hacking

    3 hrs

    Course is designed to addresses various underlying principles and techniques for detecting and responding to current and emerging computer security threats. Prerequisite(s): MISM 4306  

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