Academic Catalog 2018-2019 
    Feb 14, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

B.B.A. International Management degree plan

International Management Specialization, B.B.A.

University General Education Core Curriculum - 44 hrs

The University General Education Core Curriculum is applied to all degrees at Wayland Baptist University with the exception of the Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.), Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) and the Bachelor of Christian Ministry (B.C.M.) degrees. The full general education core curriculum for these degrees can be found in the degree specific general education core curriculum section.

Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Specific General Education Core Course Requirements - 11 hrs

The Bachelor of Business Administration Degree (B.B.A.) is a minimum 124-semester hour degree which provides a conceptual understanding of the business world, examines a number of business components, and addresses the application of concepts related to these components. A minimum of 42 semester hours must be upper-level credit (courses numbered 3000 and above). Upper-level requirements for the major and each specialization are included in the Business Administration section of the catalog. Because of the unique nature of the degree, it includes additional requirements in mathematics. In addition to the University Core Curriculum, students must complete the following degree specific general education core requirements for the B.B.A. degree:

  • 3 hrs
  • 3 hrs 1
  • EXSS 1 hrs2
  • Science (life or physical science - whichever not fulfilled in the University Core) 4 hrs


    1. Student may opt to test out of COSC 2311 ; see course description.
    2. Must be EXSS 1112  if course not taken to meet University Core Curriculum requirement. Courses that can be used to fulfill this requirement include a statement to that affect in the course description. Students who have served two or more years in the Armed Forces are exempt from EXSS requirement with DD-214 from basic training.

Academic Major and Minor

Students seeking the B.B.A. degree will complete the appropriate composite major requirements in addition to a specialization in accounting, business administration, business education, cyber security, economics and finance, health care administration, international management, management information systems, management, management and marketing, or sports management.


Students may complete the minimum of 124 semester hours required for the degree with courses which complement or extend career preparation or pursue subject fields which hold special appeal. However, before using elective semester hours, students should check with their advisor to ensure that the hours are indeed elective and that upper-level semester hour requirements for graduation are being met.

Bachelor of Business Administration Degree

Students seeking the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) degree may select one of ten specializations:

  • Accounting
  • Business Administration
  • Cyber Security
  • Economics and Finance
  • Health Care Administration
  • International Management
  • Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Management and Marketing
  • Sports Management

Each business major is assigned an academic advisor and should consult regularly with the advisor to ensure proper course selection. The recommended course sequence should be adhered to by all B.B.A. majors. When a course is taken without having the specified prerequisite equivalent additional hours will be added to the program.


Business majors should consult with their advisors prior to selecting courses in their specializations, and follow the recommended course sequence.

International Management

Students specializing in International Management learn about the impact and implementation of international business practices in the modern marketplace. The international management specialization provides the skills to manage operations in the complex international business environment. Career opportunities include employment with multinational firms, banks, consulting firms, customs, brokerages, international management and sales. The specialization includes the following 24 hours:

Bachelor of Business Administration Recommended Sequence of Courses

Listed is the recommended rotation based on a B.B.A. degree program. For complete information on the general education and graduation requirements for the B.B.A. degree program, please refer to the Undergraduate Programs  section of the catalog.

Sophomore Year Fall Semester - 17 hrs:

Sophomore Year Spring Semester - 16 hrs:

Junior Year Spring Semester - 16 hrs:

Senior Year Fall Semester - 13 hrs:

Senior Year Spring Semester - 15 hrs: