Academic Catalog 2023-2024 
    Oct 15, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Counseling Services

Personal, social, and vocational counseling services are provided to Wayland students through the Counseling Services office. A full-time counselor is available to help students with such areas as academics, relationships, stress, self-esteem, sexuality, and time management. Counseling is confidential and no record of counseling visits is made on an academic transcript or in a placement file. Interest, personality, and ability assessments are provided and interpreted to assist students with personal development. When appropriate, a counselor can refer students to other specialized counseling services available in the surrounding area. The Office of Counseling Services also coordinates services for students with disabilities. Counseling Services is located on the second floor of the McClung University Center on the Plainview campus.


Academic assistance is available to all Wayland students through the Multidisciplinary Tutorial Services. These tutoring services assist Wayland students in all their studies (reading, writing, mathematics, and more). MTS services include face-to-face and online tutoring sessions, labs, workshops, and other helpful academic resources. This assistance is provided at no cost to students. The Multidisciplinary Tutorial Services office is located on the second floor of the Mabee Learning Resources Center (library) on the Plainview campus.

Health Services

Wayland’s Health Services recognizes that student learning is at the core of the higher education academic mission. Therefore, the goal of our Health Services is to promote the health and well-being of each student to maximize their physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness by educating our students about healthy living and disease prevention. The Office of Health Services is directed by a registered nurse who works in consultation with area physicians to offer assessment of illnesses or injuries, and will assist in making appropriate referrals to healthcare providers as necessary. Additionally, health promotion and inter-departmental programming designed to educate students about a healthy lifestyle will be implemented through various avenues throughout the year.

Located in Suite 210 of McClung University Center, Wayland is proud to offer a safe, caring and confidential environment for the healthcare needs of all registered Plainview campus students during regular business hours and extended hours as needed. The Director of Health Services can be contacted for after hour needs or concerns, but staff and students should call 911 for any life-threatening emergencies. Although routine services are free of charge including a (2-3 day) supply of over-the-counter (OTC) medications, any medical expenses incurred off campus will be the responsibility of the student. Travel vaccinations and other immunizations are available for a fee; however, the proper documentation will be provided for insurance reimbursement if it is an eligible benefit.

All students are required to complete the Magnus Health Information, as well as documentation of a current (within five years) meningitis vaccination at least 10 days prior to moving into the dorm and beginning classes at Wayland. International students are required to have a TB test or negative chest x-ray within the past year. Even though no other immunizations are mandatory for admission, it is strongly recommended that students have had a diphtheria/tetanus (DT) booster within the last 10 years, a measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) booster since 1980, and annual flu vaccinations.

Any information submitted to or obtained by Wayland’s Health Services is used strictly for health-related purposes, and all FERPA regulations (FERPA ) are strictly observed, meaning that students must sign a release of information for Health Services to communicate freely with parents/guardians. This office will also abide by Title II of HIPAA which defines policies, procedures and guidelines for maintaining the privacy and security of individually identifiable health information.

Health Insurance

International students must provide proof of private medical insurance coverage applicable in the U.S. and approved by the Health Services Nurse before the first day of class in each term. Students who do not provide such proof of coverage before the first day of class will be required to purchase an insurance plan through the endorsed health insurance provider for the university. The annual premium will be billed to the student’s account and the student will be responsible for its payment. All consequences for default of payment will apply, including exclusion from class, grades, cafeteria, dorm, and other university services until payments are brought current. Proof of private coverage will not be accepted after the first day of class in each term.

Domestic students are strongly encouraged to maintain adequate health insurance coverage. Although Wayland does not currently offer health insurance for domestic students, nor do they endorse a particular plan; the health services office will gladly provide students with enrollment brochures or contact information for various health insurance plans available to students.

Career Services

The Office of Career Services provides a wide range of services to assist students and alumni in their career development. To prepare them for their job search, students can receive instruction regarding the preparation of applications and resumes and the development of positive interviewing skills. Students can receive career counseling to help them assess their interests, values, and personality characteristics as well as select an appropriate academic major and career area. The services provided by the Office of Career Services are free for anyone who has completed or is completing work towards a degree at the university. This office is located in the Trinity Building Room 114.

Residence Life

Wayland offers a variety of residence halls to accommodate individual preference. An unmarried student enrolled for seven or more hours is required to live in a residence hall and take meals in the University Dining Hall unless one of the following provisions is met: the student has reached twenty-three years of age; the student is classified as a senior; or, the student is classified as a commuter student living with family in Hale, Floyd, Lamb, Lubbock, or Swisher county. The office of Residence Life is located in room 203 of the McClung University Center.


Wayland Baptist University considers the University’s chapel program to be a vital part of Christian education. This weekly program is designed to enhance the uniqueness of the Wayland Experience. While the majority of the programs are spiritual in nature, a few address other items of importance and relevance to the Wayland community. Wayland requires attendance at Chapel, which meets regularly on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. in Harral Auditorium. Occasional changes in the meeting time from Wednesday to Monday or Friday will result in adjustments in the class schedule. Satisfactory chapel attendance requirements are as follows:

  1. To graduate from the university, students must earn five terms of chapel credit.
    1. Incoming freshmen (or transfer students with fewer than thirty credit hours accepted by WBU) must acquire five terms of chapel credit at Wayland Baptist University.
    2. Transfer students
      1. Sophomores (students with thirty to fifty-nine credit hours accepted by WBU) must acquire three terms of chapel credit.
      2. Juniors (students with sixty to eighty-nine credit hours accepted by WBU) must acquire two terms of chapel credit.
      3. Seniors (students with ninety or more credit hours accepted by WBU) must acquire one term of chapel credit during the first term of attendance at WBU.

**Students who transfer from other Baptist institutions will be given credit for chapel according to the number of terms for which they have credit on their transcript. For students who transfer from institutions other than Baptist who were required to attend chapel, credit will be given only after approval from the Director of Spiritual Life.

  1. Chapel attendance is mandatory. Three unexcused absences each term are allowed and should be used for doctor’s appointments or other health and family emergencies.
  2. Every student pursuing a bachelor’s degree who has not met the chapel requirement will register for Chapel. In specific instances, a student may apply to attend Alternative Chapel. Alternative Chapel will be an online format administered through Blackboard. A student must apply for Alternative Chapel through the Office of Spiritual Life by the end of the first week of the term. Possible instances for applying for Alternative Chapel include:
    1. Being a non-traditional students who works fulltime
    2. Taking a majority of courses online
    3. Being a primary care giver
    4. Living off campus and not having Wednesday morning classes
    5. Student/clinical teaching or being enrolled in practicum
    6. Being enrolled in less than twelve hours in a long term

Other reasons to apply for Alternative Chapel may be allowed depending on the situation. Applications for Alternative Chapel are good for one term only. By the end of the first week of class each term, students must apply for Alternative Chapel with the Office of Spiritual Life located in the Brown Family Conference Center. Each request must be accompanied by a justification. No request will be considered after the established deadline. Students shall be notified of their status by the end of the second week of school through the Office of Spiritual Life.

  1. If attendance records indicate that a student did not attend the required number of chapels, or did not make up the absences, that student will receive an “NCR” (No Credit) for chapel on the grade report for that term. Students are responsible for making sure they have fulfilled all requirements for attendance and can check the records of attendance kept in the Office of Spiritual Life. If a student feels that an error has been made, he/she has until the last day of classes to question the accuracy of the records.
  2. Non-degree seeking students are not required to fulfill chapel requirements.
  3. Students who incur more than three absences in a given term will not receive credit for chapel. Students will have the opportunity to make up two absences by contacting the Office of Spiritual Life. Students are responsible for making sure they have fulfilled all requirements for attendance and can check the records of attendance kept in the Office of Spiritual Life. If a student feels that an error has been made, he/she has until the last day of classes to question the accuracy of the records.

The Spiritual Life Committee consists of at least five faculty/staff members (one each from the School of Christian Studies and the School of Music, the director of Baptist Student Ministries, the director of Spiritual Life, and one at-large member chosen from either the faculty or staff) and five student members.

Use of Automobiles

If state laws and college regulations are met, students will be permitted to have automobiles on campus. All administrative, faculty, staff, and student personnel, full or part-time, who drive or expect to drive a motor vehicle to the university, including motorcycles, motor scooters, and motor bicycles, are required to register these vehicles with the University Police Department. A parking permit will be issued to registrants. The student general fee includes the cost of the parking permit. Vehicles not bearing parking permits are subject to fines.

Campus parking lots are patrolled by campus security on a regular basis and citations will be written for parking violations. Violators will be fined and billing fees will be added when fines are not paid within the specified time limit. Failure to comply with parking regulations will result in the loss of parking privileges.

Student Conduct

To enhance personal development, Wayland students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the values and standards expected of those attending a Christian university.

Regulations and general policies concerning student conduct are outlined in the Student Handbook available online at The dean of students administers these regulations. The University Judicial Council, composed of faculty and staff, addresses issues related to student conduct. In all matters, the primary focus of the student conduct code is to provide for the well-being of the entire Wayland community.

When a student is issued a summons to appear before an administrative officer, the summons must be heeded at the time stated unless the administrative officer agrees to a time change. Since summonses are sent to the student through WBU mail, students should check it often.


The Texas Penal Code, Section 46.03 prohibits individuals from carrying firearms on the physical premises of a school or educational institution or on any ground or building at which an activity sponsored by the school or educational institution is being conducted. According to Section 46.03, firearms with or without a permit are prohibited on the Wayland campus.

Student Marriages

All students must notify the Student Services office and the office of the Registrar when they marry so that permanent records may be kept up-to-date.

University Center

The McClung University Center is the focal point for student, faculty, and staff activities on campus. The following services are located in the Center: University Dining Hall and private dining facilities, Post Office, University Store, Employee Lounge, Pete’s Place, Health Center, Counseling Center, Student Activities office, Dean of Students office, Housing Office, and Student Government Association office.

Student E-Mail Addresses

Wayland Baptist University subscribes to Microsoft Office 365® as the official means of communication with students. Upon enrollment at Wayland, the information technology department issues each student an account. Information concerning the specifics of the account can be located at On this page is a Student E-mail Quick Start Guide which outlines the features of the product. Because this account is the official means of communication with the university, students must activate their accounts within 60 days of initial enrollment. Additionally, the student must check the e-mail at least once per month for important Wayland communications. This account may be forwarded to another e-mail account; however, the account must be accessed through the regular URL at least once every 60 days to remain active. Questions concerning student e-mail accounts should be directed to the department of information technology at or at (806) 291-3540.