Academic Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
School of Languages and Literature
Associate Professor Kimberlee Ruth Mendoza, Dean
Professor Karen Beth Strovas, Associate Dean
Professors Erin Heath, Deborah Kuhlmann, Joshua Mora, Maria O’Connell
Assistant Professors Ashley Hardage Edlin, Daniel Everett Wigner
Instructor Christy Michele Henegar
Emeritus Professor Christa Smith
The School of Languages and Literature includes the department of English, humanities, and modern languages: Spanish, Chinese, French, German, and Latin.
The School of Languages and Literature offers majors in English, English with a specialization in Professional Writing, Humanities, Humanities with a specialization in Tabletop Game Design, Film and Literature, British Studies, and Spanish. Minors are offered in British Studies, English, Chinese, German, Latin, Professional Writing, Humanities, Spanish, American Sign Language, Comparative Languages, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Digital Humanities, Journalistic Writing, Literature, and Literary and Cultural Studies.
Courses in both composition and literature seek to provide training in the techniques and skills necessary to produce acceptable, effective written expression. While the latter are designed to acquaint students with prose and poetry of recognized merit, the study of composition, literature, and language develop in students an intelligent understanding and appreciation of the written and spoken word as an integral part of life.
Entering freshmen whose ACT score in English is 16 or lower are required to enroll in ENGL 0302 before attempting ENGL 1301 . Credit may be given for satisfactory scores on the English sections of ACT, SAT I, CLEP, or Advanced Placement (AP). (See the “Credit by Examination ” section of the catalog for more information.)
The Humanities degree is a well-rounded program that enables students to pick various courses within the humanities, building their degree to match their interests. This cultural exposure will help students who wish to go onto grad school or who desire to work in a variety of fields.
Tabletop Game Design is the first of its kind. This specialization teaches the student the necessary skills to build his or her own game through design, creative development, and storytelling. Every student in this specialization will leave Wayland with a prototype.
Languages are an essential and crucial aspect of a liberal arts education. Not only will students be exposed to other cultures and peoples, but job opportunities in many fields will be enhanced, such as the legal, banking, teaching, and medical fields, to name a few. Also, with the ever-increasing demand for global communication, there is a continued need for interpreters and translators in many languages. A major or a minor in a language, along with study abroad experiences, will be a great addition to a résumé, as well.
The School of Languages and Literature is proud to offer classes in the following languages: American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Latin, and Spanish. We also have an annual Study Tour to Nosara, Costa Rica during the May Micro term where the students can complete SPAN 2301 and 2302 or take an upper-level course for the SPAN major or minor.
***ARAB, ASL, CHIN, FREN, GERM, LATN, and SPAN 1301 and ARAB, ASL, CHIN, FREN, GERM, LATN, and SPAN 1302 may be taught at external campuses as three-hour courses without additional emphasis given to the communicative aspect.***
ProgramsMajor- British Studies, B.A.
- English, B.A.
- English, Comparative Literature Specialization, B.A.
- English, Creative Writing Specialization, B.A.
- English, Journalistic Writing Specialization, B.A.
- English, Literature Specialization, B.A.
- English, Professional Writing Specialization, B.A.
- English/Language Arts (grades 7-12), B.A.
- Film and Literature, B.A.
- Humanities, B.A.
- Humanities, B.A.S.
- Humanities, Tabletop Game Design Specialization, B.A.
- Professional Writing, B.A.S.
- Spanish (grades EC-12), B.A.
- Spanish, B.A.
Minor- American Sign Language, Minor
- British Studies, Minor
- Chinese, Minor
- Comparative Languages, Minor
- Comparative Literature, Minor
- Creative Writing, Minor
- Digital Humanities, Minor
- English, Minor
- German, Minor
- Humanities, Minor
- Journalistic Writing, Minor
- Latin, Minor
- Literary and Cultural Studies, Minor
- Professional Writing, Minor
- Spanish, Minor